Part 18

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ruby's pov

I only had 10 minutes so I finished what I could for Literature homework before everyone else came in. I neatly placed everything back in my bag and took out my APUSH books. 

The teacher entered and the class started. He was talking about a project that we had to work on in pairs and he wrote the subtopics on the board. 

"I'll be giving you two weeks to work on it. The marks will be calculated by the effort both pairs put in and it will be included in your upcoming exam marks. Okay, I've told you enough now lets decide your pairs. I'll use the class name list for-"

"Excuse me sir" says a voice. I followed where everyone's head darted towards and it was Ethan. 

Oh, forgot we're in the same APUSH class. 

"Yes Mr.. Walls? Ethan Walls? Oh, I haven't seen you in my class for a very long time hm? Heck I've never seen you heads up in my class, ever. What is it Ethan?"

"Can we choose our pairs?"

The silence in the room broke into whispers. 

"Choose? I-If everyone is o-okay with it"

Everyone muttered a yes in unison. Everyone except me. Who was he gonna pick as his project partner?

"Well okay then, I'll give you 10 minutes to figure out your pair."

Some students glanced at another, signalling that they we're gonna be partners and some stood up to actually search for one. Some didn't even move. One of them is me. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and it was Ethan. 

"Let's be partners." He held out his hand, probably for me to shake it. Hesitantly, I shook his hands and he gave me a smile before he went back to his seat. 

"Okay, has everyone settled down with their partners?"

The majority nodded their heads. 

"Alright then, now I'll assign your subtopics to present." 

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