Part 22

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ruby's pov

As I was making my bed,  I heard the doorbell ring. Confused, I headed to the front door and looked through the peephole. 

"I forgot you were coming today" I said and welcomed him in.

"Offended" he chuckled. "This is a cozy apartment." 

"Yeah, you can go sit there while I make us drinks" I pointed towards the sofa. 

"No it's fine I'm not that thirsty anyway" he smiles. 

"Still, it's a courtesy." He nods as he takes off his coat and sits at the sofa. 

I poured two glasses of milk and brought it to the front. 

"What am I? A kid now?" he sneers. 

"I don't have guests often so I didn't buy any juice so this is what we're getting" I said and took a sip from my glass. 

"But I'm not a guest. I'm a friend of yours aren't I?" he smirks. 

"Shh and drink your milk." He chuckles and drinks up half of the glass. 

"Anyway, where's your mom? Or dad I should say hi to them."

My eyes widen. I forgot about that. Ugh, why don't I think things through..

"They're outside" I say. 

"Oh, do they know I'm here?"


"Okay then, I'll say hi to them when they get back."

 I gulped. "You don't need to do that. They're gonna get home pretty late."

"If you say so." I silently let out a sigh of relief. 

"So, do you have anything to do today?"

I paused to think. "Oh yeah I need to go grocery shopping. Okay" I stood up

"You wait here. We can work on our APUSH when I get home." 

"Wait what." He stands up with me and follows me to my bedroom. "Hey I wanna follow! You can't just leave me at your house like this. Aren't I your guest?" he emphasises the last word. 

"First, it's an apartment, not a house. Second, you yourself clarified that you are my friend and not guest."

He rolls his eyes. "Please.. what if your parents come back? I don't think they wanna see a stranger in replace of their daughter sitting in their hou- apartment" he pleads. 

"Fine" I sighed. "Go put on your coat and wait at the front."

"Yes ma'am" he smiles cheekily and runs towards the door.

I grabbed my purse from my bed and grabbed my coat from behind my bedroom door.

"Is the store far from here?" he asks.

"Stop asking questions or I'll leave you here" I snapped.

He chuckles and follows me out the door.

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