Part 62

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ethan's pov

She drags me out of the dressing room to the backstage where all the competitors are. She lets go of me and warmly congratulates everyone. I didn't really know what to do so I simply smile and nodded as she said those words of comfort. 

And it was vice versa for everyone. A whole lotta people congratulated both Lucas and Ruby for their outstanding and sentimental performance. 

Damn, she's really famous. I thought to myself. 

What caught my eye the most was when two girls came up to Ruby.

"Hello Ruby, you did so good just now!" said the girl with chestnut hair. 

"Yeah! I almost cried watching it. You're facial expressions really made it seem like a true life story" said the one with blonde hair. 

"Thank you Lilith, thank you Agatha" Ruby smiles. "You guys did well too! I watched your performance through the monitor while I was getting ready just now and it was seriously the most beautiful thing I watched!"

"I doubt it. I stumbled on my toe on the second part and it ruined everything" she frowns. 

"Whatever happens on stage, stays on stage. At least you learned something from it, like you should be more cautious when dancing especially if it's a group category. Remember your spacing, that's what I'd always remind myself."

The girl smiles and nods. "Alright! I'll definitely remember that" she beams and hugs Ruby. "You're my inspiration Ruby. You deserve a lot of good things." 

My heart warmed at the sight in front of me. They pull away and bid good luck before parting ways.

"That kid's cute" I say. 

"Yeah she is. She's just like me when I started. I had a role model too, except now I don't know what happened to her."

I liked how she was so down to earth and modest when it comes to her fame. Other people would've ignored kids like those and act superior around everyone. But Ruby, she's kind and genuinely acts the same around everyone. 

Maybe loving you isn't so bad after all. 

for youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon