Part 42

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Ethan dropped me off at my apartment. I wanted to go on the bus but he refused to wait 45 minutes for a bus so he made me sit at the back of his bicycle as he cycled back home. 

It took a lot of convincing for me to agree on his decision. 

I entered my house and I see someone sitting in the living room couch watching tv. 

"Mom?" I say. The person turns around and my answer was correct. I ran over to her and gave her a big tight hug. 

"I'm so happy to see you!" I beamed. 

"Me too dear" she says and strokes my hair. 

When we finally pull away she caresses my face. "Look at you, you've lost so much weight from the last time I saw you."

"What are you talking about?" I snickered. "I don't know what you're seeing but I definitely gained weight." 

"Ridiculous" she chuckled to herself. "Why are you back so late? School was supposed to end hours ago, right?"

"Yeah, I was over at a friend's for some school stuff. Plus the bus arrived late" I lied.

"Ah I see. Oh yeah! You're on that student exchange programme right?"

"Yeah!" I smiled. 

"Okay then, anyway I made us some food for dinner. I hope it didn't get too cold." 

We ate our dinner that night whilst catching up on our lives. It felt good to talk to mom again face to face after so long.

"So how are you and Mr Handsome guy?" asks mom as she washes the dishes.

I leaned against the counter next to her. "Who?"

"Your boyfriend silly" she chuckles. "How are things going with him?"

I forgot that mom had weird nicknames for my friends. "Oh things are okay. Nothing really big is happening at the moment."

"That's sad" she frowns. "I hope I get to meet him again soon. I only met him once and that was last year. Tell him to come over tomorrow" she suggested.

"Oh he's actually busy at the moment. His competition season is coming up and I don't really wanna disturb him." 

"Okay then" she nods. 

"Well I'm gonna go and get some rest now. Night!" 


I entered my room and closed the door shut behind me. I turned my phone on and there was a text from my manager. She wanted me to call her as soon as I read the text. So I did. 


I packed everything I needed from medical items to personal belongings into my sports bag and zipped it shut. I checked the time and I had 6 more minutes until the bus arrives. I sling the bag over my shoulder and headed towards the door. 

"Ruby, where are you going?" asks mom. 

"Oh, I have dance practise right now. I'm sorry it's so last minute, my manager called me about it just last night."

She frowns. "That's too bad. I really wanted to spend today with you."

A pang of guilt rushed over me. "I'm so sorry mom, next time okay?" I smiled, trying to lighten up her mood. 

She smiled weakly. I grabbed a granola bar from the pantry and planted a kiss on her cheek before I left for practise. 

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