Part 19

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"Let's be partners." He held out his hand, probably for me to shake it. Hesitantly, I shook his hands and he gave me a smile before he went back to his seat. 

The way.. the way he said those few simple words made me feel like he meant more than just APUSH project partners. I felt as if we just made a pact by shaking hands, and that this promise wasn't something he was gonna let me break easily. 

I don't know if this is a bad thing or good thing. 

"Fuck" I muttered. I'm thinking too much about this. 

Not long after my last bus stopped at my station so I got off and walked back home. 

I walked through the halls leading towards my apartment and when I finally reached, I saw that the door was slightly open. 

Weird. I'm sure I left it locked this morning. 

I entered and I immediately see Aunt Amy in the kitchen. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. 

"Hello Aunt Amy" I said as I walked in. She doesn't reply, typical. I put my bag down into my room and the tension in the house was broken by her yelling at me. 

"Ruby!! Come here right now!" 

I sighed and entered the kitchen. 

"Yes?" I said, trying to be as polite as possible. 

"Why is there nothing in your fridge?? Aren't you buying groceries?? Where does the money your mother banks in monthly go?? Are you eating outside everyday?? Are you spending it on clubbing?? Shopping?? Why aren't you answering me??" she spat. 

I took a deep breath, trying to hold in the last bit of my patience. "I haven't gone to the bank in a while actually. I will buy groceries soon, don't worry I was planning to anyway. And no, for the last time I don't spend my money on clubbing or shopping Aunt Amy."

She sneers. "Sure you don't. Teenagers like you these days have only one thing in mind which is losing their virginity."

"But you know I'm not like them." 

"But you are, so stop being so rude to me. I never taught you that didn't I?"

I took another deep breath, this time to recollect myself. 

"Did you hear me or do I have to repeat myself again?"

"Yes Aunt Amy, I'll behave from now on" I mentally roll my eyes. 

She hums in response before grabbing her things and leaving. 

I sat on the floor, clutching my head to stop the tears from streaming down. 

Fuck, having to deal with someone like this my entire life is making me lose my sanity. Please, please come back mom. Quit that darn job. I'll make sure I'll be able to make money to support the both of us. Please, I can't handle this anymore. 


I went to my room and laid on my bed, making me feel somewhat in peace. I took out my phone and went through my unread messages. 

alex: hey gurl! missing you aloott :(( can't wait for you 2 come back so0n <33 - alex n eve 

I sighed. Deep inside I kinda knew it was only genuinely from Alex. I bet she only said it to make me feel better. And this was.. two days ago. 

me: hey!! been missing u guys too ! can't wait to be back <33

I checked the rest and there was one from Oliver. 

oliver: miss u bby <3 <3 <3 come over when ur free. 

Two hours ago. 

me: miss u too <3 <3 and yes i will !!

I turned my phone off and unconsciously stared at the ceiling. I didn't feel the energy that these messages were supposed to give me; warmth and love. It felt dry and empty. 

Or maybe I'm being ungrateful and thinking too much. 

I pushed those cloudy thoughts aside and just then my phone dinged. I picked it up and it was a text from an unknown number. 

unknown: hey apush partner, it's me

I chuckled. 

me: sorry, don't know anyone named 'me'. wrong number? 

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