Part 46

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"Hey I wanna ask something" says Ruby.

"Let me guess, is it about the microphone?" I reply, my eyes not moving from the screen to choose a movie. 


"Long story short two years ago I told Hazel I wanted it as a joke and instead she got it for my birthday. I don't like how it loudly projected my voice so I kept it under my bed along with all the other junk that belongs there."

"I'm pretty that's the whole reason why she got you the microphone."

"For me to put away?"

"No!" she chuckles. "So that your voice projects well. Don't you feel bad? It seemed expensive."

"Of course I do!" I lied. There was silence so I turned around and she had a 'i-don't-believe-your-lying-ass' expression with a mouthfull of ramen. 

She looked so fucking adorable.

"Fine" I huffed. "I don't. She should've known better."

"That sounds better." A small smile formed on my face upon the fact that she knows me so well, I can't lie to her. 

"Does it take that long to choose a movie??"

"Yeah, I'm trying to find one that isn't boring AND one that you haven't watched yet" I say, knowing too damn well that she probably has watched almost all of the movies and series on Netflix. Twice. 

I bet her boyfriend doesn't know that. I mentally smirk at the thought. 

"Ooh that one!" she points towards the screen. 

"This one?" 

"Yeah! It came out yesterday I think and I haven't had the time to watch it yet."

"Great, so we'll watch it now." I clicked on the movie and moved to sit beside her. 

If we were dating right now, I would put my arm around her and she would scoot closer and rest her head on my chest comfortably. As we would watch the movie I would gently caress her soft hair and she would play with my fingers on her other hand. 

Then if the movie gets too boring, she'll end up sleeping and I won't realise it until I hear soft snores vibrating from her body. 

I would give her a soft kiss on the forehead, call her cute and in that exact position I would sleep with her. In her embrace. 

But in this reality we're not. Or not yet. So my arms had to stay by my side and the most that I could do was sneak glances at her and watched as the screen reflected in her eyes. How amused and focused she looked as she watches the movie. 

But even that I only allowed myself to do for a couple seconds because I didn't want her to catch me in the act. That would be embarrassing. 

God, if I knew it was this hard to control myself when I'm around you I don't know if I would want to be with you from the beginning. 

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