Part 37

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ruby's pov

By the time I arrived home it was past 7pm. Mainly because the bus was too packed so I had to wait for the next one which took 45 minutes, so I made Ethan wait with me. 

He insisted that he brings me home on his bike but there's no way I'm gonna sit at the back of his bicycle for 15 minutes uncomfortably. 

Anyway, I got home and turned on my phone. I tend to mute my phone, sometimes on accident sometimes not. I just think it's a big nuisance. 

I turned it on and received several miss calls from my mom two hours ago. 

"Hey mom, sorry I muted my phone on accident just now."

"It's okay, I assumed you were busy?"

"Uh yeah I was over at a friend's for a project." 

"Ah alright. Well I meant to tell you that I'm coming over for the weekend?"

"This weekend?!" I smiled. 

"Yes! I can't wait to see you" I could almost see her smiling widely through the phone. 

"I can't wait to see you!

She chuckles. "I have to go now. Get some rest, okay?" 

"Okay! Bye see you" I said and ended the call. Ah finally after so long..


I laid on my bed and stared at the bare ceiling. I feel, different. Like I don't know.. happy? Maybe it's because mom is visiting tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited. Or maybe it's because I feel this connection with Ethan. 

It's difficult to explain this connection. Whenever I'm around him I'm filled with this euphoric emotion where I'd always smiles and laugh and I wanna do everything with him. God I sound crazy but that's the best of how I'm able to explain it. 

And there's no doubt that my happiest moments are shared with him. 

At the same time I feel guilty. I've never had this constant feeling in my heart whenever I'm around my boyfriend or my current best friends. And they've been with me for years, while I've only be hanging around Ethan for a month. 

I grab a fistful of my hair out of frustration. Gosh, what is wrong with me?

I've never really told most of my secrets to my best friends, but I've told almost all of it to Ethan. I've always been calm and quiet around my best friends, but I'm very giddy and loud around Ethan. I feel free and safe when I'm around him. 

Or maybe I'm being extremely choosy and ungrateful. Get it together, Ruby. Eve, Alex and Oliver have been with you for the longest time so don't throw them away because you've found someone 'better'. 

Or maybe I should...? 

for youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें