Part 10

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I enter school the next day a little earlier than usual. Not too early, because I am no early bird but 10 minutes earlier than when I usually arrive. Which was somewhat an achievement. 

I park in my bicycle at the lot where all the other bicycle's are and head into school. 

I walk through the halls and tried to spot the person that made me come to school early; Ruby

The girl I've been crushing on since I could remember is in this exact building for 3 months and I know for a fact an opportunity like this will never come by again. 

As I was scanning through the halls, I spotted a familiar person with her back facing me. A smile formed on my face. Knew she'd be here early. 

She was standing in front of the office talking to someone. Definitely not Hazel, but maybe someone from her class. I walk towards her and hooked my arms around her shoulder. 

"Good morning!" I beamed. 

Her head darted towards me in surprise. "What are you doing?" 

"Morning greetings. You're not the only one that is capable of doing that"

"Hey, you're Ethan right?" asks the girl. The one Ruby was talking to. 

"Yea, why?"

"We're in the same History class. The three of us."

My eyebrows jolt up in surprise. "Oh? Ruby is in History with us?" 

"Great" I heard her mumble. 

"You would've knew earlier if you attended class yesterday" the girl rolls her eyes. "Anyway, I'm Sofia-"

"It was nice meeting you Sofia but I'm starving" I emphasised on the word. "Let's go and grab some snacks" I say to Ruby and I pull her towards the end of the hall where all the food vending machines were. 

"Get your hands off me" she yanks my arm away. 

I smile at her cheekily. "Let's get some food" 

"What are you trying to do huh? You're acting weird"

"I'll explain after I get my hands on that shortcake. I can't think straight right now"

"Clearly" she rolls her eyes. 

I put in some money through the slit and pressed on the button to dispense the strawberry shortcake. I glance towards Ruby, whom now was sitting on a bench looking around. 

I move my gaze back to the vending machine. There was one matcha flavoured cake sandwich left. It brought back memories on how I made a mental list of everything that she liked and disliked. One that stuck with me was how she was fond of matcha flavoured things and would always try to get her hands on it the chance she can.

So I entered some money in and pressed the button to dispense the cake. I brought the two desserts to the bench and sat next to her. 

Hey eyes lit up looking at the matcha cake. 

"I-Is that matcha?"

"Matcha favoured" I corrected her. "It's a cake but shaped like a sandwich. It's really good" 

I opened the matcha cake and took a bite. Ugh, this taste like absolute shit, how the fuck is she able to consume something like this? 

I look at her and she was practically drooling over the matcha cake. 

"Do you want some?"

"Can I?"

"Yeah." That was the whole reason I bought this anyway. 

I gave her the cake and she took a bite. How her eyes lit up joyfully when she took that bite, so fucking beautiful. 3rd Grade me would've begged on his knees to see her like this up close. 

"This is so good!" 

"You can finish it." 

She gives me a questioning look. "Are you sure?"

I nod. 

"A hundred percent?"

"Yeah. I have this to snack on anyway." 

"Yay! Thank you" she beams and continues to eat the cake. 

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