Part 78

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The whole week passed by sadder than I imagined. Everything felt so boring and out of place without Ruby. She didn't have that much break in between talk shows to interviews, even at night she was busy. 

Luckily Sunday was her last, so she has a free day on Monday. And the rest.. hopefully. 

I decided to pay her a surprise visit, with more surprises along. I rang her doorbell and within a minute I heard footsteps coming towards the door and it opens. 

I widened my eyes at how different she looks. Her skin looks shinier, her lips looked rosily tinted and oh how her eyes sparkled with glee. 

She gasped when she saw me and immediately threw herself onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist. I smiled and hugged her back, secretly dropping my items behind me. 

"I didn't expect you to come!" she says, her head buried in the crook of my neck. She lifts her head away and looks at me with an expression that I couldn't read, but that was answered when she leaned in for a kiss. 

Her lips felt as soft and sweet as how it looked. I smiled yet again into the kiss as I put her down. 

"Come in" she said after we pulled away.

I nod and grabbed the bag of items before entering. Ruby spots the bag and lifts an eyebrow in confusion.

"Is that food? I had a cup of ramen just now but I can keep it for later." 

"It's not food!" I chuckled. "It's something else. You'll find out later" I smirked and pecked her cheek. 

"You know, I kinda guessed that you would come since I told you it's my day off. I just didn't actually expected it."

"It's called love dear" I said in a mocking British accent. 

"I'm leaving you" she rolls her eyes and walked away, sitting at the sofa in her living room.

"By the way, what's this new look on you? It looks amazing" I complemented. 

She giggles, flustered. "Yeah, I've been trying to cram as much interviews and events and talk shows as much as possible. I needed like a base natural look and I fell in love with this one."

"What did you do?"

"I always get sent like products and stuff so I went through it and tried to find the organic ones to fit into my skin routine. I wore a lot of makeup this week so I made sure I don't slack off even though it's so tempting to just.. sleep in makeup. But yeah this is the result and I'm honestly glad I didn't skip any" she smiles at the end. 

The way that her eyes shine in amusement when she talks about the things she love. How her eyebrows perch the slightest bit and her soft smile that stays throughout the talk, makes me fall in love with her even more. 

"I really like my lip though. A makeup artist suggested it to me and it just stuck with me till now."

"Yeah I like it too" I nod. 

"You do?"

"Mhm, it breaks all the attention I have and it's more approachable. It's tasty too."

She playfully sighs, trying to hide the fact she's extremely flustered. 

"I can't believe you're in love with me."

"Right? You're such a lucky girl. No one is ever gonna treat you like how I do" I smirk boastfully.

"But no seriously, I really like this look on you. It complements your features very well."

"Aw thank you" she smiles. "See this is better than your 'I wanna eat your face' shit. Sweet and subtle."

I roll my eyes. "We get it you're beautiful."

She chuckles. 

"Oh by the way, I have a surprise for you" I got up and went to the kitchen where the bag is. I heard Ruby getting up from the sofa and walking towards my direction. 

"What is it?"

I took out the item and showed it to her. "A hair dye? And scissors?"

"Yeah, we are doing a makeover today!" I beam. 

An unsettling expressions creeps up on her face. "Ethan.. I'm not sure about this. I need to talk to my manager about this first."

"No you are not. Ruby, today you are doing whatever you want to yourself. As long as it doesn't cause any harm, you should do it."

"I-I don't know, she's pretty strict about this."

"And? Fuck her if she gets extra mad about this, you can get a new manager! Come, let's go to the bathroom for your new haircut" I smiled and dragged her into the bathroom. 

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