Part 76

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"Come in!" I reply. Hazel's head peeks through the door and she enters. 

"You're never home anymore" she frowns. 

"Miss me?" I playfully smirk. 

"No, it's the same actually. You being home or not you still make yourself invisible" she giggles and drags a chair to sit in front of me.

"I know, so why bother acknowledging me anyways hm?" I roll my eyes. 

"So bitter" she chuckles. "Anyway, what was the commotion just now? I heard you and dad screaming at each other."

"Nothing. He was just being a shitty as per usual."

"Don't say that, he cares for you. For us."

"You mean he cares for you" I snicker. "Look if you're in here to make me feel guilty for yelling at dad I suggest you leave" I sigh and lay back down onto my bed. 

Several seconds of silence pass by before Hazel asked again. "Why do you think he's a shitty dad?"

"Because he doesn't care for me. He took me in solemnly because he felt terrible pity on me and now regrets it because I bring no use to this family. Or even he made a promise with my Mom that he'll take me in for exchange in money or some shit. I don't know. What I know he doesn't want me here." 

"I'm sure he has some care for you" she convinces. 

"Doubt it. I see the way he treats you versus the way he treats me. Hell, he doesn't even acknowledge my presence. If you don't see it then your fucking blind."

"Dad has a cold exterior in general. Maybe you should talk to him and communicate with him more."

"I think I'm comfortable with my current relationship with him" I sigh. "I hope my mom gets released out of jail soon. Living in this house is making me feel suffocated."

She frowns. "Don't say that! I feel offended now" she says and tries to hug me but I squirm and turn the other way. 

"Fuck off and go crawl to your precious little boyfriend. Go back to your perfect little life and get the hell out of mine" I say and push her off. 

She didn't respond to my rejection so I turn around. 

"You okay?" I ask, slightly concerned by the sudden silence. 

"I broke up with him."

"What?? When?"

"Like two night ago."

"Two nights ago?? Wasn't that the day of Ruby's competition? Didn't you ditch her competition because you wanted to go out with him??"

"Yeah, he came super late to our date. He was drunk as hell so I didn't even enjoy our hangout. He ended up saying hurtful shit to me so I broke things off."

"You know, he probably didn't mean what he said. You should have just.. asked for a break instead of totally breaking things off-"

"THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE SAYS!" she yells. I flinched at her sudden outburst. 

"Geez, fine I'm sorry."

She sighs. "Whatever, I don't wanna think about it. Anyway, how are things going with you and Ruby? She's probably the reason why you're going out a lot."

A smile creeps up to my face at the thought of telling her the wonderful news. 

"What? What happened hm?" she teases. 

"We're dating" I giggled. 

Her face lights up but the expression immediately dies down. 

"What? Aren't you happy for me??"

"I am but.." her words trailed off. 

"I kinda knew you and Ruby would end up being a thing and I already told my boyfriend that and we planned to do a double date when you guys actually end up dating" she rambles. "Ugh, this is so frustrating!" 

I roll my eyes. "It's either you both end up dating again OR you fucking move on. For once, be proud of me."

She giggled. "You're right. At least you have some indication that your future doesn't only include your mother."

I rolled my eyes for like, the millionth time. "Fuck you, Hazel" I said and turned around.

In secret, I was smiling over the fact that what she said could most probably be true. 

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