Part 55

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I got home and closed my bedroom door shut. Still leaning against it, I placed my hand over my heart. It was still beating as fast as it was just now. 

Probably due to the fact I ran here. Or because I almost got caught by Ruby. Or because she confessed of how much I meant to her. Or all of the above. 

A big stupid smile formed on my face as I let out a small squeal. She's driving me fucking crazy. And I love every single part of it. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, ruining my private moment. 

I sighed and opened the door. Before I could process who was in front of me, Hazel walked past me and into my room. 

"I never said you could come in" I roll my eyes and closed the door. 

"Sheesh, I thought that now you're crazily in love you might be at least a little nice to me. Guess not" she says and lies on my bed. 

"Anyway, where were you from?" she asks, a smirk evident on her face. 

"None of your business."

"Hey, I would like to know. I mean, how wouldn't I? Before these last few months you never went out of the house. Let me guess, did you go on a date with Ruby?" She gasps dramatically. "Are y'all dating behind my back?"

"We are not dating!" I clarified. "I just.. have been hanging out with her. And that is NOT considered dating because the feeling is certainly not mutual" I tried not to add 'sadly' because I didn't want to seem desperate. 

"Tsk, you both are still friends?" she scoffs. "Confess to her already! I'm positive she likes you back."

"What makes you think so?"

"The way she looks at you? Smiles at you? Talks to you? The heart eyes are evident" she chuckles.

I sigh. "I'm just scared I guess. I'm trying to take things slow, she probably hasn't even admitted it to herself yet. I don't wanna rush shit out."

"Wow, you're good at taking things slow" she says surprised. "I remember earlier last month you were practically begging me for advice on girls. You even agreed to walk with me to the convenience store and we both know you're the laziest person on Earth. Truly, I'm surprised."

"You're acting like I'm a 10 year old church-go er who said his first swear word" I rolled my eyes. 

"That's probably the most accurate way to describe it" she laughs and I throw a pillow I found on the floor at her. 

"Bitch" I say loud and clear. 

She gasps dramatically. "Bastard" she replies and throws a pillow at me but I managed to dodge it. 

"What are you? British? You cheated on me you bastard!" I mimicked an accent. 

She laughs and throw me another pillow. "Stop throwing pillows at me! You're gonna mess up my room."

"Oh no! That's unfortunate" she pouts teasingly so I threw both of the pillows that were on the floor to her. 

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