Part 88

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I pressed the last key of the song and my teacher cheered. 

"That's it! You got it!" she exclaims. I smile and pull her into a hug. 

"Thank you for the lessons for the past week. You made my dreams come true."

"Oh it's no problem. I like teaching passionate students like you. You should really play the piano more, it's a talent" she winks and I chuckle. From there she wraps up the class and leaves the studio. 

I smile as a sigh left my lip. I decided to play the song again one more time before going back home. Just then, a notification popped up on my phone causing it to vibrate. 

I opened it and it was a text from Ruby. 


I opened it and it was nothing I had expected. 

ruby<3: hey, can you come over? now?

I quickly typed a response. 

me: yeah sure.. be there in 10 minutes

I got out of the studio and headed there as fast as I could. Something about her text made me feel uneasy. Once I got to her building I rang her doorbell and several anxious minutes later she opened the door. 

"Hey! How are you? You haven't been replying to my text and calls lately. Is everything okay?"

She doesn't answer and instead pulls me inside. This is.. scaring me. 

"Look, I'll just tell you, okay?"

I nod, allowing her to continue. 

"My mom is back, more like she got fired from her job. She's in her room right now, so we can't be too loud."

"Really? How did she get fired?"

"That doesn't matter right now-"

"You know my mom is back too" a smile creeps up onto my face. "I've been telling her about you and she's very eager to meet you. How about you come over tomorrow?"

I expected a flushed and happy reaction from her, but instead she looked nervous.. and sad almost?

"Is everything alright?"

"You do know I put family at priority right?"


God.. please don't let it be my biggest nightmare..

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