Part 69

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me: hey 

oliver: hey
oliver: whats up

me: let's meet up tomorrow, i wanna talk to you

oliver: u can talk here 

me: please? it's important

oliver: fine. you need to clarify your friendship with that ethan guy anyways. 

me: i'll send you the address. 

The next day, I didn't bother to come on time because I knew too well he'll come late. I didn't know where else to meet up so I sent him an address to a café, but an old one that no one really goes to in case he makes a scene. 

I arrived 30 minutes later than the time we agreed and I half expected him to not be there yet, but to my surprise he is. I walked over to the booth he sat and and sat across from him.

"You're late."

"I know" I replied. 

He looks at me with a confused expression. "What's up with you? You haven't been acting yourself since you've been attending that school. Or should I say, since you've been friends with that guy" he rolls his eyes. 

"No, this is myself. In fact, I've never been myself since I've been with you" I sternly say. 

He was taken aback by my harsh words. "What do you mean?"

I take a deep breath. "Look our relationship isn't healthy for me, Oliver. I'm not happy in this."

"What are you talking about? I'm happy!"

"With me? Are you sure? It doesn't seem like it" I crossed my arms. "You haven't been keeping in contact with me while I was gone. Do you know how much at least a text could've made me feel at least a little more confident in this relationship?" 

"Oh, so you were expecting a paragraph every single day for three months straight?? You know how busy I am so technically it's your fault for expecting too much." 

I closed my eyes out of frustration. "A relationship is about the happiness of two individuals together, and it's just not like that with you." 

"So are you saying you're not happy with me?? That you're happy with that Ethan guy??" he raises his voice. 

"Don't bring Ethan into this, he has nothing to do with this."

"No it's clear that he is a part of this-"

"I'm breaking up with you, Oliver!" I raised my voice so that it talks over his. 

He froze. "What?" Through all of this, I tried to look for a hint of sadness in his voice and expression, but all I see is shock and anger. 


"I already stated my reasons" I sigh. "But to sum it up I'm not happy with you, and it's kills me to know that I can be with someone out there who can give me much more than I deserve. So if you still care for me, think about my happiness."

His eyes burn with fury. "Do you wanna know something?"


"I cheated on you while you were gone. With your best friend" he smirks. 

I kept an unbothered face, but deep inside I was hurt. Maybe due to the fact that he had the audacity to cheat on me while we were still dating, or because it's my own best friend. The one that was supposed to always be there for me when I'm going through shit. 

I kinda already knew who he cheated with so I didn't bother asking. 


His expression drops. "You're not.. jealous?"

"I don't feel anything towards you, Oliver. And that sounds harsh but it's the truth." 

"Fine, let's break up. But I need to ask you a favour."

I sigh. "What is it"

"Tell people that I initiated the break up."

I scoffed. "Why? Because it'll hurt your pride if I told people otherwise?"

"If you tell people otherwise, I'll make your life fucking hell."

"I'll keep the secret under one condition."


"Don't disturb me or anyone I love in my life. If someone tries to disturb or threaten me or the person I love you are to shoo them away under my permission, however you like it."

"Deal. Who is this person you love anyway?"


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