Part 85

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"How are you already over your boyfriend? You guys just broke up!" 

"I can't control my emotions! Well, I can but if I moved on from him, that's that. Plus we broke up a month ago so it's not that recent."

"Uh yes it is!" I defended my statement. "Shouldn't it take months to completely get over your significant other- wait.." my words trail off. "Did you already found someone else? Or, you never truly loved him?" I smirked. 

Her eyes widened. "What are you talking about? I didn't find anyone else and I truly did loved him. Key word! Loved. So stop questioning this it's frustrating me." 

"The look on your face says it all! It's either the two no doubt" I laughed. 

She rolls her eyes and was about to throw an object at me when there was a knock on the door. 

"Yes?" I said. The door opens and dad's head peeks in. 

My happy expression immediately drops into an annoyed one. "What is it?" I said. 

He fully opens the door and steps in. "You're mother is coming back tomorrow." 

My eyes widened and I jumped out of the bed, now standing up. "What?!"

"Yes, she's coming here at noon."

I could feel the tears brimming at the corners of my eyes. This news.. it still hasn't set in yet and I can't wait until it does. 

Until I finally reunite with the woman I've been waiting for. 

"-then you guys are moving out" he adds.

I looked at him, confused. "What? You're kicking us out??"

"Not exactly. You guys will be staying here for a couple days until you get out. But you don't need to be so furious, she has everything planned out." 

The last part kinda did tone down the anger inside of me, but it didn't wash away the feeling of wanting to punch this man in front of me. He literally has no heart, not even for his own sister

"Whatever" I say. "I guess it's good that I'm not gonna see your ignorant ass anymore" I smirk. His jaw clenches. 

"You rude-" he was about to throw me a punch but Hazel pulled his arm back, relaxing him a bit. 

"Calm down dad" she says. 

"Be grateful that I'm not kicking you and your worthless mom out!" he yells. My eyes widened at his cruel words so now I'm controlling the urge to punch him, although it has been there since the moment he entered my room. 

"Before you accidentally kill him you should leave" said Hazel. He looks at her for a moment before stomping out of my room. 

I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding. "God, he just ruined my excited mood" I huff. 

"Well now he's out be excited again!" she cheers. "The woman you've been waiting for since you were three is finally getting released tomorrow! Don't let a guy with" she looks at the door and turns to me, whispering her next words. "-anger issues" she chuckles. "Ruin the good mood. He's not worth your time." 

"You're right. Which reminds me, I'm gonna call Ruby. She has to hear about this" I grabbed my phone from my desk and searched for her contact before pressing call. 

I waited, and waited, but no answer. 

That's weird  I thought. She usually answers after 3 or 4 rings. Is she busy? 

I scrolled through our text messages to see if she told me anything about today but there was non. Huh.

"Is everything okay?" asks Hazel. 

"She didn't pick up." I said and called her another three more times but still no answer. 

"Maybe she's busy" she suggested. 

"She didn't tell my anything."

"I guess she forgot. Or maybe she accidentally placed her phone on silent." 

"Yeah, she tends to do that. Oh well, I'll call her again tomorrow." I shrugged the thoughts off and spent the rest of the night talking to Hazel. 

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