Part 64

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"Hey babe" said a voice and my gaze moves to the guy behind Ruby, whom now has his hands wrapped around her waist. Judging from her expression, I'm not the only one not expecting him here. 

"O-Oh, Oliver" she smiles. I know I've only been friends with her for a few months but I'm sure I've seen all of her types of smiles, and I'm positive that's not a genuine one. 

But of course, I bet her boyfriend won't be able to differentiate that. 

He then leaned in to kiss her, but she moves her head in time so his lips end up on her cheeks. "Here, I got you flowers" he gave her a bouquet of fresh roses. 

"Oh thank you" she bits her lip and smells the flowers. "It smells good."

I would've been a bit down because her boyfriend gave her an expensive gift while I got her absolutely nothing, but then I remembered that she doesn't like strong scents (like roses) and instead prefers soft and sweet scents (like vanilla). 

"What are you doing here? I don't remember telling you about this competition."

"I always remember your competitions" he smiles. God, I just want to rip that disgusting smile off his face.

"Oliver, this isn't an annual one.." she was getting suspicious.

"Oh, so your own boyfriend can't come to your competitions now??" he snaps. 

What the fuck?

"N-No.. I didn't mean that." 

He rolls his eyes. "Who's this?" he turns to me. I tried to keep an unbothered face.

"I'm Ethan, you?" 

"Ethan? Hm that name sorta rings" he looks at me weirdly. I glance at Ruby and she was tilting her head towards Oliver a bit. She was probably trying to ask if she should tell him that I used to attend middle school with them but I lightly shook my head, protesting the idea. 

He'll probably find out soon.

"Well whoever he is, you know I don't like it when you hang out with guys I don't know" he frowns at Ruby. 

"Oliver, he's just a friend" she assures him.

Well that hurts. 

"He doesn't seem like a good friend to me, Ruby. I think you should cut ties with him."

I could feel the blood in my veins boiling in anger. 

"Woah woah woah, who are you to decide who she should be friends with?" I butt in. "She can be friends with whoever she wants without your concern. You're her boyfriend, not her fucking guardian angel."

"Do you see why I don't like him?" he ignores me. 

"Oliver, he's a nice person. You don't know him as well as I do, and I like being friends with him" she defends. I could see she was starting to snake away from his grip but he tightens it. 

"Oh, so you're choosing him over me now??" This dude is fucking guilt tripping her! What shit ass boyfriend is this.. 

"It's not like that-"

"No it is! You've always obeyed me since the beginning so don't change that because of a guy you just met. Come on now Ruby, your boyfriend of years versus a guy you met a few months ago? You clearly know who's more right, don't you?"

"Y-Yeah but.." 

"There's something called quality over quantity, and if she's defending me you probably know what that means" I smirked and grabbed Ruby's wrist, yanking her out of his grip and dragging her someplace else. 

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