Part 29

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ruby's pov

I let out a heavy sigh after closing the door. I didn't expect myself to tell a guy I just met about my dreams and how much I would love to end my dancing career. 

But all that seemed too impossible for me, so impossible that I've never even thought of it until now. 

It was weird because I've never told any of that to Oliver, or even my two best friends Eve and Alex. Maybe because they never ask. 

That just.. made them sound mean. 

No no, they're not that cruel. They're your best friends, don't think so badly of them. Maybe it's just the circumstance, yeah.

But that Ethan guy, he's.. something. I feel oddly comfortable around him as if we've been friends for years and not a week. Something about him makes me want to be closer to him, more than we kinda am now. 

You know what just.. don't- think about this too much. 

I shake these thoughts out of my head and head into my room. The rest of my day was spent there. 


The weekend passed by pretty fast, before I knew it the weekday had already started. Dreadful. 

These three months will pass by so fast and soon you'll be back to where you belong; the company of your best friends and the arms of your boyfriend, I tell myself

I got into a pale blue buttoned up baggy top which had the sleeves rolled up and black jeans with converse. Pretty simple. I grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard and headed out the door towards the bus stop. 

Once I reached there, I checked the time on my phone. 

"I'm three minutes early, that's good" I say to myself. 

I tap my foot on the ground continuously whilst I munch on my breakfast. I didn't have any water to down it so I prayed that the sweetness doesn't linger at the back of my throat too long. 

Soon enough I reached school and as I walked through the halls I already see Hazel standing by my locker. 

"Good morning Hazel" I smiled. 

She returns the smile. "Good morning! How was your weekend?" 

"The usual. Boring as hell. Oh and also you don't need to wait for me by my locker every morning. I already know my way around school." Sorta..

"I insist. I'm always at school 15 minutes before you arrive so why not?" 

"Then thank you" I smiled. It was sweet of how she genuinely wants to wait for me every morning. I put in and took out some books from my bag into my locker. 

"What class do you have first?" she asks. 

"Calculus in Room 032. Allow me to cry" I sighed. 

"Same" she chuckles. "I'll walk you to class. In the meantime I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"So as you know Ethan is my cousin, and I care for him.. a lot. I've been the closest to what he can call an elder sister and for the whole time I've met him I've never seen him have friends over, or go out and stuff. From what I see you are the closest to what I can say; a friend. He went somewhere on Saturday and the only place I ever know he goes to is the convenience store to buy junk" she chuckles. 

"I don't know what is it about you that attracted him to want to become friends with you, maybe it's because you came from his previous school and he feels.. somewhat familiar but I don't know and I'm definitely not complaining. I know you both hate each other but please, keep him. I don't want both of you to drift apart once you go back."

By the time she finished we had already reached my class. "Sooo you want me to be friends with him?"

"Call it whatever you want. Do what you're already doing. And definitely don't tell him I said all that. I'll head to my class now. See you!" she waves. 

"See you!" I smiled and waved back. 

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