Part 5

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It was almost 8am and my last bus is nearing the destination where from there I'd be taking a 3-5 minute walk to school. 

Unlike the first bus, the second one doesn't have many empty seats so I had to stand up. Once the bus arrived, I thank the driver and leave to get to school. 

There were students entering from various directions. I had no say in it, since this school was located in a big neighbourhood so most of the students probably came from there. 

They were all wearing student tags, the one you hang around your neck and it has your student ID information and whatnot. I have to get mine from the office today. 

I entered the school and it had a huge banner hung on the entrance that read; 'Welcome to Cali West High!' and there were some students, whom I assumed were students from that school lined up holding an A4 paper, a welcoming banner. 

I walked over to the one that had my name on it. Holding it was a tan girl with curly brown hair. She had a big smile on her face that complimented her beautiful features. 

"Hello! You must be Ruby Hansel. Welcome to Cali High, I'm Hazel, I'll be your student guide for these 3 months" she says joyfully and gives me a warm hug. 

"Hello! Ah I'm so excited to see what's in store for me on this programme." 

"Mhm! You should be. Come, I'll start off by giving you a tour." 

I nod and followed her into the school. 

The school wasn't too big nor was it too small, but the chances of me getting lost here was at an all time high since I'm a very forgetful person.

We stopped at the office to get my student tag and she showed me my locker. 

"And that's about it. I don't really know anything else that I should show you, not that I can remember now. Let's go to your first period" 

We chatted as we walk to my class, she tells me about her experience in this school and I tell her a bit about mine. 

I found out through our talking that she had one of the top positions in this schools' Official Delegate Leaders Club and a member of the Peer Counsellors, explained how she was so welcoming and talkative. In a good way.

"We've reached your class. I'll be here when your class ends so I can show you where your next class would be."

"Alright!" I reply. 

She claps her hands joyfully. "You will have the best student transfer experience!"

"I promise."

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