scene 11- distracted

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"Hey, Wild? Are you okay over there?"
He looked over at Twilight, who was standing across from the lake. He nodded, not really caring if he saw. Twilight nodded back and walked away.

Wild climbed out of the water and stood up. He took something out of his pocket- a knife. He wanted to do it again. It felt nice. It distracted him from his thoughts. And it made him feel alive. To feel pain like that didn't really hurt, it felt like living.


He got back in the water, rubbing his left wrist and pulling his sleeve down. He didn't want them to see the evidence.

He swum to the other side of the lake and onto the shore. He walked to camp and found the others around a campfire. Twilight looked up when he heard him walk over.
"Oh, good. I was about to go get you so we can eat."
Wild nodded silently and sat next to him.

He was handed a piece of fish, but he only ate a little. He wasn't that hungry. He gave the rest to Twilight, who seemed to love fish. It wasn't that he didn't like it. No, he thought it was delicious. He just didn't feel like eating. Why should he eat? He wasn't hungry. He didn't need food at the moment. He would be fine until morning.

He stayed at the fire once he finished. He didn't want to be rude. He also didn't want to get into a sleeping bag yet. He hated those things. Anyway, the fire was warm, and he liked it. He stayed there even after everyone else had left.

Scarf commented on that action. Or, rather, the absence of an action.
"Aren't you going to go to sleep?"
"Yeah, but not yet."
In truth, he wanted to sleep by the fire, like he was used to doing. He closed his eyes, and after a while, he drifted off to sleep.


The light of dawn woke him up, along with a sleepy voice.
"Wild, have you been sitting there a night?"
He looked up at the person the voice was coming from. It was Wind.
"No," he lied. "I woke up really early and couldn't get back to sleep."
"Oh, okay. Wait, then why is your sleeping back still wrapped up?"
He looked over at his sleeping bag and sighed.
"Okay, I have been sitting here all night. I slept like this. I'm used to it, though. You don't need to worry about me."
"Okie. I guess that makes sense. Not really, but I don't know your story, so I can't really judge what you're used to. Cuz I'm used to pirates and water and talking boats and stuff. And plot twists." Wind giggled to himself at his last comment.

Wild smiled a little, just a bit jealous of his lighthearted personality. He wished he could be that happy that often. He shook his head, not wanting to feel sorry for himself at the moment.

The next person to wake up was Time, who didn't comment on Wild being in the same place he had been last night. When Twilight woke up, he walked over and sat next to him.
"Did you wear that all night? You really should change into something drier."
"It is dry."
"It wasn't when you went to sleep."
"Yeah, well it isn't now."
Twilight didn't reply, and instead sat in silence. Wind broke it, saying,
"Hey, Twi, Wild said that he slept in that spot last night."
"Yeah. He said he stayed there cuz he was used to it."
Twilight looked at Wild, and he nodded his head to confirm it.
"Well, I guess we're all used to something odd."
"Yeah, that's what I told him. He lied about it originally."
"I'm right here."
"He said that he woke up early, but hi sleeping bag is still rolled up, so I asked him about that."
"Yeah, we get it. Shut up."
"Sorry, jeez."


"Okay, who wants to go exploring?"
Wind jumped up excitedly, his hand up in the air.
"Ooh, ooh, me! I want to!"
Time smiled at him.
"Okay, just be patient."

Wild raised his hand slowly, not wanting to bring too much attention to himself.

"Okay, Wild. Anyone else?"
A couple others said they wanted to go, and eventually, they left. Wind immediately paired up with him.

"I heard that your whole journey was just exploring, so you must be good."
"Honestly, I was mostly just wandering around the whole time."
"But isn't that just what exploring and adventuring are? Wandering around?"
"I... I guess you could look at it that way."

They walked together into the trees. Wild pushed a branch out of the way for Wind and followed behind him. Wind skipped through the woods, Wild silently following him. It sort of reminded him of following Zelda, except it was an excited kid in front of him, not the princess.

Wind crouched down and looked under a rock. Wild watched as a lizard ran out from under it, right towards him. He stuck out his foot and stopped it by stepping on its tail. Wind grabbed it and held it up.
"Thanks, Wild!"
Wild smiled, enjoying his happiness.

They continued on, and Wind looked under every rock after that, looking for another lizard. He didn't find one, but his enthusiasm never faltered. They did, however, come across a bokoblin, which Wild made short work of. Wind was impressed, as always. The bokoblin did leave something to remember it by, leaving a deep cut in Wild's arm, since it had a sword instead of the usual club. It only had the opportunity to do so when Wild paused. Why he paused, Wind didn't know. Wild didn't really know, either. He just got distracted for a moment and forgot he was fighting.

"Are you okay? That was awesome! I wonder how it got a sword."
Wild signed, struggling a bit,
"A lot of them have swords where I'm from. Maybe it's like mine."
"Yeah, that's probably it. Anyways, are you okay? That looks like it hurts."
Wild grunted, not bothering to sign anything else.
"We should probably get back so you can get that fixed."
Wild shook his head and sat down. He pulled bandages out of his bag and started wrapping his arm, not even rolling up his sleeve first. He didn't seem to care much.

He stood up and started walking, looking off in a random direction. Wind caught up to him, looking at the bandage on his arm, which was becoming red with blood.
"Are you sure we shouldn't go back?"
Wild nodded, not pausing.

Wind thought for a moment, then said, "I'm getting tired. Let's go back."
That stopped Wild, and he turned around and headed back. Wind silently celebrated, happy that his plan was successful.

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