scene 71- reach

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"Hey! Wild!"
Wild looked up from the Sheikah slate and saw Wind running towards him. He quickly wiped his eyes and put a smile on his face.
"Oh, there you are! And you've got-"
Whatever Wind was about to say, it was cut off by a loud bark from the wolf.
"Sorry, buddy."

Wind rubbed the wolf's head, and it gently nipped his hand, wagging its tail. Wind laughed in response, pulling his hand away. He looked back up at Wild and said,
"C'mon, let's go back to camp. We need a cook."
He grabbed Wild's hand and pulled him up, then towards camp. The wolf ran ahead, ignoring the two.

When they reached the camp, the wolf was nowhere to be seen. Twilight was still talking to Time, now by the fire. Time was looking at the pot, likely contemplating what he should put in it. Wild immediately walked over and tossed some ingredients in.

"Hey. I told you, apples aren't a meal. They're a snack, at most."
Wind, who had followed him over, walked right up to the pot and said,
"You never told anyone that they were a snack."
"It was implied. And don't get that close. You'll burn yourself."
He pushed Wind away from the fire.
"I wasn't that close," he complained.
"You were close enough."
Wind crossed his arms and pouted. "Fine."

He sat down on a log and watched the ingredients bounce around as Wild stirred them around.
"I wanna go to your world."
Wild looked at him for a moment before looking back down at the cooking pot.
"Why not?"
"It's too dangerous."
"All of our worlds are dangerous."
"Not like mine."

Wind looked at him.
"Why not?"
"Half the time I come here, I'm practically dead. I thought you'd have figured out by now that my place isn't suitable for children."
"I'm not a child! And I did the same thing as you!"

Wild stopped stirring and sat up, looking at Wind with an odd look on his face. Then, he softly replied,
"But nobody died in your story. And... you.. succeeded the first time."
He looked back down, letting his hair fall into his face, hiding it. He began to forcefully stir the food, causing water and oil to splash more.

A drop of something landed on Wind, and he yelped and fell off the log in surprise. Wild jerked his head up and dropped the ladle.
He scrambled over to Wind, terrified that he hurt him.
"Shit, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do tha-"
"I'm fine." Wind sat up, smiling. "It wasn't that hot."

"Was it oil? Where did it land?"
"I dunno what it was. It landed right here." Wind pointed to a spot on his leg. "It doesn't hurt."
"Bad burns don't hurt."
Wild pulled up Wind's pant leg.
"Hey! What are you doing? That hurts!"
Wild didn't reply, and instead, he touched a red mark on Wind's leg. Wind pushed Wild's hand away, gritting his teeth.

"Shit." He looked up. "Um, Twilight?"
"Can you come here? Wind got burnt."
Twilight nodded, getting up from his seat at the table. When he reached them, Wild nervously pointed at Wind's leg.
"Hm. Okay."
"Is there a river or something nearby? Or at least some cool water?"
"Actually, there is a stream."
"Okay. Good. C'mon, Wind. Can you walk? Does it hurt too much?"
"I told you, I'm fine."

Despite Wind's best efforts, he wasn't able to hide his pain from Wild.
"Quit lying. You can lean on me if you want."
"It's just a little spot. I'm fine."
"If you say so."
Wild gently pulled Wind along with him to the stream. When they reached the water, he wordlessly pointed to it, and Wind got in. He sat down in the water with his arms crossed, but he quickly relaxed and started floating on his back.

Wild only watched Wind float around. He saw Wind smile and stand up. He walked over and stood in front of Wild before grabbing his hand and running back into the water.with Wild in tow. Wild didn't have time to react before he was plunged into the water.

As soon as his face went beneath the water and all the surrounding sounds were muffled, he recalled Vah Ruta and Zora's Domain.

He shut his eyes tight, trying not to get water in them. He opened his mouth, but closed it immediately. He felt like he was drowning. Dying. Couldn't breathe. Couldn't hear. Couldn't see. Was he dying?

Mipha. Such a sweet girl. Why did she have to die? Maybe he could see her again. Talk to her.

What was happening? Something was going on. Someone was saying something. Maybe. Couldn't tell. Might be voices, might not be.
Felt something pull his shirt. Louder voices.
He wanted to get up, to ask what was going on. Couldn't move. Why couldn't he move? What was going on? Was he dying?

Opened his eyes. Saw Mipha. Mipha? Why was she here? Opened his mouth to speak. Couldn't speak. Coughed. Breathe. Couldn't breathe. Talk to her. Could be your only chance. Talk to her. Can't talk. Can't talk. Calm down. Deep breaths. Can't breathe. Can't. Can't. Can't. Cough. Cough. Try again. Still can't.

Help. No help.
Mipha. Help.
Reach out. Touch her. Grab onto her hand. Right there. She was right there. Can't reach.
Going to die. Where was he? Forgot.
Gonna die.

Calm. Reach again. Touch her arm. Felt it. Held her hand.

Pulled away. Reach. Can't reach. No more calm. Stop. Stop pulling him away. Please.
Touch her again.
Can't reach.

2nd time.
3rd time?

Soon enough.

3rd time's a charm.

Reach her.


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