scene 108- visit

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Wild immediately walked out of Castle Town after that. Zelda wouldn't want visitors now, anyway.

Instead, he took them to Zora's Domain. It was a bit of a trek, but with his horses, they got there relatively quickly.

"Why do you have so many horses?"
"I like taming them. It's fun."
"So these were wild?"
"All of them?"

Even Twilight was impressed, and he was the one who had the most knowledge of horses.

When they got to Zora's Domain, Wild eagerly brought them to meet Sidon. When he saw the prince, he waved at him with a big smile.

"Hey! Sidon!"
"Link! How are you? I haven't seen you in ages."
"I'm... pretty good. I brought some friends that I want you to meet."
Sidon looked at them and smiled.

Wind gasped and said,
"He looks so cool!"
"I could say the same for your friend group here."
Wild smiled, not saying anything.

Time stepped forward and held out his hand.
"Nice to meet you."
Sidon took his hand and shook it. Time seemed a but surprised by the force of the shake, but he stayed on his feet.

Wind ran up to Sidon and stuck his hand out. He stumbled and fell over when Sidon shook his hand. There were a few chuckles form the group.
"Oh! Are you alright? My handshakes can be a bit strong."
Wind only laughed and said, "I'm fine!" He imitated Sidon's smile, making Wild laugh.

Wild then showed them around the city, introducing them to a few Zora. Then, Wind pointed up at Vah Ruta and asked,
"What's that? Can we go see it?"
"Vah Ruta and no."
"Aw. Why don't you want to go anywhere?"
"I- fine. Just, be careful, okay?"
Wind nodded.
"Got it."

They climbed up the mountain, eventually reaching the beast of a machine.

The group looked up at it in wonder, but Wild looked down. He didn't want to see it.

"Is that what a Divine Beast looks like?"
Wild nodded.
"Did you really go inside that thing?"
He nodded again.
"Can we go in?"
He shook his head.
"Aw. Why not?"
"There's no way in anymore. The teleportation thing on it doesn't work."

"Why are you looking down like that? C'mon, look up. It looks so cool!"

Wild slowly looked up, and as soon as he did, he gasped and froze in place.


"Here we are."
He looked up in awe at the beast in front of him.
"This is Ruta."
"It's... wow."
"I know. She's beautiful. Come on, up here."
He followed Mipha into the Divine Beast, and they climbed up to the top.
"Link... I'd like to tell you something. I-"
"Mipha! Link! It's time to eat."


Wild narrowed his eyes.
"We shouldn't have come up here. C'mon."
He grabbed Wind's arm and started to walk away.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
"I don't want to stay here. I don't like it."
"Why not? It's just a big elephant thing."
"Mipha... I don't want to talk about it, okay? We gotta go."

Twilight walked over and stopped Wild.
"Wind, if Wild doesn't want to stay here, we won't stay here. It could be dangerous."
Wild interrupted him, saying,
"It's not dangerous. Not anymore. I just... don't like it. And I don't want to ruin this trip with a stupid memory."

Wind stopped struggling to escape Wild's grasp.
"Oh. Sorry."
Wild let go of Wind's wrist and sighed.
"It's fine. I shouldn't have been so rough about it. I guess I'm just sensitive about Mipha. That's all."
Twilight nodded.
"I understand." He turned to the group and loudly said,
"Let's get going. Wild wants to show us more stuff."


Soon, they arrived in Hateno. Wild had decided that it was unlikely that he'd get upset here. He had been to Hateno plenty of times before, and he hadn't gotten a memory any of those times.

Wild brought the group to his house. He opened the door and let them in. Wind immediately ran up the stairs. When he got up to the loft, he called down,
"That's a cool picture! Where'd you get it?"

Wild went up the stairs and saw that Wind was looking into an open drawer. He lifted a picture out of the drawer and showed it to Wild, who smiled sadly upon seeing it.

It was the picture of the champions that Kass had given him.
"Those are the champions."
He walked over and took the photo from Wind.
"The champions? Like Mipha?"
Wild nodded. "And Daruk, Revali, and Urbosa."
As he said the names, he pointed to the respective champions.
"And Zelda and you," Wind added.
Wild nodded again.

He placed the picture back in the drawer and shut it. He didn't have it hanging up because he didn't want to look at it too much. He didn't want to get upset over a picture. He didn't like that.
Not that he disliked the picture. It was nice. It was just too... bittersweet. And things like that were the most upsetting of all for him. The worst kind of sad.

Wind smiled and went back downstairs, leaving Wild alone.
He sat down on the bed and sighed. He smiled sadly, looking down. He looked back over at the dresser for a moment before reaching over and taking the photo back out. He set it on his lap and looked down at it.

A tear fell down, landing right on Zelda.

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