random shiz(not part of the main story)

770 29 20

Wild: I could go for some water right now
Wind: *takes note*
Wind: *goes back home and comes back with a bucket of water*
Wind: *dumps it on Wild*
Wind: your wish is my command
Wild: what the f**k is wrong with you


*something happens*
Wild: oh god oh f**k oh god oh f**k
Everyone: r u okay
Wild: *on the verge of a mental breakdown* ya I'm fine u don't need to worry about me lol haha
Everyone: x to doubt


Wild: *nearly dies*
Everyone: oh no not again


Wild: *has a good time*
Wild: oh no this is bad time to worry bout all the things


Wind: *dabs*
Legend, from five miles away: no


Twilight: oh no Wild is probleming
Time: calm down
Twilight: no he's having the problems
Time: he's a capable person
Twilight: must... be... concerned...


Alarm: *goes off*
Wild: *has war flashbacks*


Wild: I'm thirsty
Wild: wait wind no not again I don't need-
Wind: *dumps more water on him*
Wild: f**k you


Wind: beware, for good vibes are heading your way
Wild: what is the goal here
Wind: be happy, dumb-o
Wild: what makes you think that will work


Feel free to suggest more random crap

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