scene 96- strange

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"So, where is everyone on the timeline?"
"Well," Sky began, "it's complicated. But I'm definitely first. Then Minish, then Time. That's where it gets complicated. We have no idea where Wind is, but he's most likely after Time. Twilight is definitely after Time, and Legend is somewhere after him. I'm not sure where he is in relationship to Twilight. Hero is after Legend. Warrior... well, we don't know where he is. He doesn't even know where he is."

"And I you're definitely after me," Twilight added. "And Wind."
Wild nodded.
"That makes sense. I do seem to have a lot of stuff that you guys recognize."

Wind opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by someone appearing in the center of camp.

Wild looked behind him, and he smiled at the sight of Zelda. However, his smile turned into a frown when he noticed the dull look on her face.
"Zelda? Is everything alright?"
"Hm? Oh, yes. I'm fine. Are you ready to come back?"
"Yes. I am."
"That's good. Come on, let's go."
Wild stood up and said, "You guys can use the ingredients I collected. Hopefully you'll figure out how to cook."
He smiled again and walked over to Zelda. He held the sword, and they left.


They appeared near Castle Town, and Zelda immediately started walking over without waiting for him to catch up.

Something was up with her. Was she just tired? Probably. She did have a lot to do.
Oh well. He wouldn't bother her too much about it.


At this rate, it was like a disease.
Spreading to everybody, even the happiest of people like Wind.

Of course, he didn't know Wild's Zelda that well. But he did know that she had been through the same things as Wild. So, it made sense.

Maybe it just wasn't as bad.


Zelda had come to get him sooner than he thought she would. It had been, what, a day in his Hyrule? That wasn't very long.
He thought she'd come get him after at least two or three days. Definitely not one.

Everyone was acting so strange. First Wind, then Time, and now Zelda. What was going on? Was this his fault?
Wind was always so happy. It had to be his fault. Wind wouldn't just start acting like that for no reason.


Once Wild left, Wind stopped acting odd.
That in itself was weird. Wind loved Wild. So why would he be so tense around him all of a sudden?

Time was still... well, it was hard to describe what he was acting like. It wasn't exactly weird. It was just unlike him. He was acting so tired all the time, yet he didn't look it at all. He was sleeping late, even though he was usually one of the first people up. He was much quieter than usual.

And he was constantly away from camp. Twilight would find him just sitting on the ground with his bag of masks nearby. Sometimes he was holding one, blankly staring at it.

At least Wild seemed happier. This time, he was sure that it was genuine. Nobody could fake it that well.


She gave him his stuff as soon as they got back into Castle Town. She didn't say anything the whole time. Once she gave him his things, she just walked away, observing the progress.

He ran up to her and asked if she'd mind if he left, and she said that he could go. She didn't really mind what he did, as long as he didn't hurt himself.

So he left, leaving her alone in Castle Town.
Of course, there were other people there, but she barely knew them.
She was their princess. That's all.

Just another princess.

She sighed and went back to walking around. It seemed like that was all she did. There was no kingdom yet. Nothing to rule, really. So she wasn't much of a princess.

Was she a queen now? Was that how it worked? Honestly, at this point, she had forgotten.

This place was getting so bland. How she wished she could just leave and go exploring like he did.

She had gotten a notebook a few days ago. The first entry was from before she found him with the arrow.

Link nearly froze to death. He worries me sometimes. He's so reckless.
I saw him smile genuinely for the first time in a while. That leads me to think that he may be getting better, but I shouldn't rush to conclusions.
In other news, the restoration of Castle Town has been going well. I hope to begin rebuilding the castle soon.

She walked over to the fountain and sat down. She pulled the notebook out and began writing.

He stabbed himself with an ancient arrow. Right in the neck.
Somehow, I was transported to a different place when I used his sword as support when I tried to pick him up. There were people there. One of then was the person who brought him to me the first time it happened. I left him with them. They seem nice enough.
He has a diary of his own. That's where I got the idea for this. The entries are... well, it's hard to describe it. It kills me to read them. He's just so... sad. He hates himself. I can't bear it.
I'll try to make these less depressing than his.
He seems to be happier now. It's unlikely, though, seeing as how I thought the same thing before. Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore. I really don't. I should be happy that he's back, but I just feel sad. He's going to do this again. I cam feel it.
I keep hearing something in my dreams.
"Third time's a charm," or something like that. It scares me. I don't know why. I get chills whenever I think of it. It's almost ominous. I feel like I should be getting something from it, like there should be something understanding. But I don't understand it.

I'm terrified.
What's going to happen?
I wish I knew. Maybe if I knew, I could stop it.

There's a bad taste in my mouth. I should drink something.

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