scene 20(wow)- wait

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The world around him was spinning. He saw feet walking towards him. The person the feet belonged to- Twilight- crouched down and said something. Then he was lifted off the ground. He was standing up now, not really on his own. Everything was hazy. It felt like nothing was really there.

He was back down on the ground, or something near the ground. He was turned over, and he felt something in his back. It stung, but it just felt like a tingle.

Eventually, he closed his eyes and slept.


He slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times before his eyes got used to the light. He felt pain all over his body. He even had a headache. He slowly sat up, cautious of any bad side effects of getting up too quickly. However, he wasn't cautious about it when standing up. He stood up relatively quickly and immediately regretted it. He got dizzy as a result. Not fun.

He sat back down and looked around. He was on his sleeping bag. Where was everybody? He didn't see them. He also didn't see his sword anywhere. He didn't want to call for someone. He didn't want to bother anyone.

What if they had left without him? What if they had forgotten him? He wouldn't blame them. What if they had intentionally left him behind? What if they didn't want him with them because he just ruined everything? He wouldn't blame then for that, either. Anyway, that would be more likely than them just forgetting him. How could you forget an entire person? Right?

They probably left him to die alone, without a sword or anything. What a stupid way to die. He could scavenge like he did before, but he was injured. He thought he could trust them. Especially Twilight and Wind. Why would Wind agree to that? And Twilight brought him here in the first place, it seemed. So why would he leave him here? Did he want him to die? Was he a Yiga member? Then why would he want to keep that other Yiga from killing him? Did he want to kill him himself?

Maybe they didn't leave him, and he was just jumping to conclusions like a stupid little kid. But maybe they left him. He was hopeless. He must have been really unhelpful if they just left him here.

He was nearly scared out of his mind when he heard a voice.
"Wild? Is something wrong?"
He looked up. He had been resting his forehead on his knees. He rubbed his eyes and whispered,
"Twilight? I-I thought you guys had left me, why are you back? Did you change your mind? Are you here to kill me? You're gonna kill me, aren't you?"
He backed up, sliding himself backwards.
"What? No, where did you get that idea?"
"I- You- I don't know..."

Twilight walked over and crouched down next to him. He gently placed a hand in his shoulder and assured him,
"We'd never do that. Why would we?"
"Cuz I'm freaking useless and I ruin everything for everyone."
"What? That's not true."
"I know you're just lying to make me feel better."
"I'm not."
"More freaking lies."
"Wild, I-"
"Just shut the hell up."

Twilight sighed, giving up on trying to convince Wild that they wouldn't just leave him. Instead, he decided to check his wounds.
"Okay, can I see your injuries?"

Wild looked down to see what injuries there were, and he realized that he was wearing the Gerudo clothing.
"Um, this outfit is for Gerudo Town, of you were wondering."
"Yeah, I figured."
He breathed a sigh of relief, glad that Twilight had come to that conclusion instead of just thinking that he was weird.

Twilight examined the bandages that he had put on hin previously, along with the one on his arm.
"So who's Yiga?"
Wild looked at him weird.
"What, you mean. The Yiga are a group of Sheikah who are basically against the other Sheikah, and instead of worshipping Hylia, they support Ganon."
"They're essentially assassins. They try to kill me. They aren't very good at it, though. This time, though, there were a lot. Like, five or six of them. Usually there's only two or three at most. Most of the time there's just one."
"Really? That's... interesting."
Wild wanted to ask of Twilight was even listening, because it didn't really seem like he was, but he didn't want to be rude.

Twilight had finished unwrapping the bandage from the largest wound and was now putting a new one on. When he finished that, he started on another injury.

It was oddly calming. He sighed. He was doing that a lot, he noticed.

He heard laughing, so he looked in the direction it was coming from. He saw Wind running over, Legend close behind.
"You little-"
Wind just laughed and ran faster, not looking where he was going. He bumped into Wild and Twilight, causing Twilight to fall onto Wild, who got smushed into the ground.

Twilight quickly got back up, but Wild didn't. He groaned and tried to pish himself up, but his hand slipped. Instead, Twilight helped him up.
"Wind, be careful and look where you're going!" He looked back at Wild, who was dusting himself off.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, you?"

Wind had a guilty look on his face.
"Shoot, sorry about that. I didn't mean to do that. Obviously. I can help."
Legend cut in, saying,
"First you have to give that back!"
He reached over and grabbed something from Wind's hand, then bolted. Wild didn't see what the thing was, so he asked about it.
"What was that?"
Wind didn't answer, and instead ran after Legend.

Wild sighed again and looked back at Twilight. He was still looking in the direction the others had gone in, smiling.
"Those two are goofballs."
Wild only nodded, not sharing his attitude. What an odd thing to smile and be happy about.

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