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First up to serve against Nekoma high is me... Okay...

I feel my stomach turn as I jump into the air and hmend up hitting the ball a bit too high as the opponents shout and the ball is out if the line and bouncing away before they even realise what just happened. Nekoma gets a point and I have a tiny internal freak out. "It's okay we'll get the next one!" I look at Daichi a bit shocked at the determined look on his face and he smiles so I nod a little. The opposite team gets ready to serve and I look behind me at Nishinoya with a slightly worried look on my face. He smiles determines and I see a tiny thumbs up from him before I hear a ball hit and my head springs back to the court. I see the ball hit Tsuki's hands and then realise it's going to go out of the court so I run after it with extremely focused eyes and hit it into the air as I dive. Daichi passes it to Kageyama and he then sets it up for Hinata, no for Asahi. He slams the ball through the wall and I smile as the warm fuzzy feeling comes back. I saved us a point! "Good job Asahi!" I smile at his reaction to Suga's words and he gets all timid and blubbers alien language. Then some emo looking guy with black hair points at me specifically before their side does their serve. I just look at him confused and shocked before the ball is served it's immediately coming towards me.


It hits me in the face and I clench my jaw as I hear a giggle and ignore the obviousness that it was pointy guy giggling and focus on the ball. Tanaka catches it but it still goes out so I walk over to Nishinoya and hold up my hand. He smiles and high fives me before I walk out and wave Hinata over. He hops over and I whisper in his ear. "Can we swap positions? I wanna try something real quick."

"Sure!" I take off my vest as he does and the coach grins at my smart decision whilst the other team talks in whether that's allowed or not. "That shouldn't be allowed!" I turn towards the silver haired boy with a smirk and talk in an intimidating tone. "It's not against the rules~" I walk into Hinata's position as a middle blocker and high dive the others. "You got this?" I nod determined and Nishinoya thumbs me up again before I turn to the net in front of me. As well as pointy boy. They serve the ball and Tsuki is right next to me as we both block but it rebounds off of our fingers into the other side. The silver guy gets it passed to him and me and Talks jump again as he spikes it. It bounces off of my fingers into the court this time and Tsuki's hits it before it hits the floor. "Tsuki, nice!" Nishinoya bump sets it to me as I back off. "Get the last part, Ki!!"

"Right!" The three tallest players on the opposing side all get ready to block and grin at me as Nishi shouts. "Ah! Hey! You guys are playing dirty!" Everyone thinks it's going to fail as I get butterflies in my stomach when I jump. I see a way to score and aim for silver guys fingertips when I spike it. Everyone is frozen still in shock as I fall onto my back and get slightly winded. Pointy guy looks back over to me when the ball goes out of court and has trouble talking. "Did you... Actually aim, for that? That was an amazing wipe!"

"Oh, well... I did aim for silver boy's fingertips..."


"I can't hit that accurately-"-Me-

"You were covered by three blockers each around 190cm tall! Not to mention that terrible toss! Well done! I'm moved! The valiant little warrior who fights in the face if a two-meter wall!"-Nishi-

"Talk about over-exaggerating..."-Tsuki-

"Somehow 190cm turned into two meters."-Pointy guy-

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