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"My first day back and you're late like always Ki." I chuckle apologetically to Kageyama and limp a tiny bit but disguise it as a hop as I walk over to the bench. I put my trainers on before grabbing a vest and getting to practice.

I have to admit, after that training camp Kageyama is surprisingly better.

"You've gotten better." I look at Kageyama surprised. "Hm?"

"Your spikes are better and you're calmer."

"I guess..." We continue practice and I keep to myself. Even when he has a go at Asahi for not getting a point.

Because I don't know him like the others do.

I've never spent time with him.

I'm close with everyone else but him. I mean Hinata and Suga are my best friends. But I just don't really know Kageyama...

There for I have no way in how he behaves because I don't know anything.

But one thing I do know is that my ankle's hurting so much I'm starting to get light-headed.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

"Again? This is your third time during practice."-Daichi-

"I drank too much orange juice." Daichi chuckles and gestures for me to go to I grab my bag and go to the bathrooms again just to apply pain relief cream ony ankle for the third time. And it still doesn't go anything. I limp as I walk out of the bathroom and the end of lunch bell goes off. I look around the hallway as pupils swarm them to get back to their classes quickly, just when someone steps on my bed foot and I fall down to the floor in pain. "Jesus sorry man." The sudden crouching down makes my head to light and fuzzy. Just then I start seeing stars and I can't keep myself together anymore before passing out.

Here's what I've been doing every day.

5am - Getting up to workout until six.

6am - Making dads breakfast so he doesn't starve.

6:30am - Studying extra books for my tutoring jobs.

7:30am - Leaving for school, making sure I run there.

8:20am - First lesson.

12:00pm - Lunch time but I don't eat much and practice with the guys.

13:30pm - Back to lessons.

15:00pm - End of school, I run to the gym.

15:30pm - Starting workout at gym equipment.

17:00pm - Practising volleyball in the gyms volleyball court with a random team.

18:00pm - Leaving gym and running to a tutoring session.

18:30pm - Starting tutoring session.

20:30pm - Finishes tutoring session and runs home.

22:00pm - Makes dinner for dad and myself and then leaves his in the oven for him.

22:50pm - Plays Skyrim with Kuroo.

03:00am - Goes to sleep during video chat with Kuroo.

But sometimes I don't have anyone to tutor and then I just order in food because Hinata sleeps round on those days.

"Hey I didn't hit you or anything did I?" He helps me up and takes me to the nurses office before rushing off to his own class. Meanwhike the nurse is done checking up on me and because dad no.1 is too busy at work, she rings the other person that's newly been put down as my Guardian and that's Ukai.


"Cooome on Ki."


"She's a nurse that's what they do." Ukai's keeps me on his back as he carries me outside of school. "Oh... BUT STILL THAT'S ILLEGAL! MY FATHER'S A DETECTIVE HE'LL BEAT YOU UP!!" Ukai chuckles as I shout at the nurse that's all the way back in the school building and I hug his back. He puts me in the passenger car seat carefully and pits on my seat belt as I start to fall asleep with my head on the window. "So what happened Ki?" He starts driving and I mumble. "Someone beat me up-"

"The truth please." He chuckles a little. "...Someone stepped on my foot and I crouched down and passed out- YOU SHOULD BE AT PRACTICE-!"

"Practice is already done."


"You need to show me your foot when we get home okay?"

"Okay~" I fall asleep so he decides to get some KFC in the way home and takes me up once we're there. And the drugs have weirdly worn off just because I slept. I see dad no.1 inside making something with a smoothie machine so I just hop into my bedroom and sit down on my bed. "Oreki we need to talk come on."

No no no because it'll be something bad.

Dads making me a smoothie and the other dad bought KFC.

I'm not going out there.

I stay quiet before dad pokes his head inside. "Come on." I sigh and he frowns because he knows that I know that it's something bad. He leaves and I message Kuroo before walking out of the bedroom.

I fucked up 👌

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