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I just did a two hour run at three in the morning and now it's five...

I'm weirdly not even tired.

I sit down on a hill in the school field and look up at the sky as I watch the colours change. Someone sits next to me minutes later and I close my eyes when I know it's Kuroo. "You're up early."

"I went on a run..."

"You left early yesterday too."

"I was tired."

"No you weren't."


"You were all 'oh my god KuRoO wAs So GoOd WhEn He KiSsEd Me's."

"SH-SHUT UP I WAS NOT!" He grins evily as I finally look at him and my cheeks go red. "No boyfriend excuse?"

"We broke up."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"I'm the one that broke up with him."

"OH. In that case congrats?" I chuckle a tiny bit before he starts purposely poking my buttons so I retaliate so he can...

"So why'd you break up? He get mad about your tutoring?"

"My tutoring?"

"Yeah. Maybe you have him a wrong answer by accident and he got angry and you angry? Or was it the fact that you never wash and it pissed him off because you smell gross-"

"I DON'T SMELL GROSS AND I DO SHOWER!!" I push him off of the hill and shout as he drags me down with him. We both land sitting up right but my legs are on top of his. I look at him shocked meanwhile he just smiles cheekily at me. And there's a pause for a couple seconds until I lean in and kiss him. He kisses me back straight away as I hold his face in my hands gently and he slips his tongue into my mouth again.

But then he bites my lip and pulls me closer to him to I lean forward some more before he pulls away as I see an evil grin on his face. I realise what I just did and scoot back off of his lap quickly. "TH-THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN-!!" He kisses me as he leans over me and I groan as he's even more passionate then before. I start running out of breath the longer I desperately kiss him until he pulls away a tiny bit and a pant as I try to catch my breath back.

He's so... Ugh... I just want to kiss him all the time but if I don't just do it as a game it'd be a bit weird... He'd catch on... But he's looking at me with such a lewd expression... I don't know if I can help it...-Kuroo's thoughts-

"You're so mean..."

I'm so turned on and he's so hot I want to cry.

I probably look fucking ridiculous panting with my mouth still open but I'm just so shocked and dumbfounded and Mmmmmm.

He kisses me again and I hum before feeling that something's happening in his boxers and getting even more flustered. I kiss him back just as passionately and he grinds down suddenly which makes me pull away just from shock and breathe heavier. "S... Sorry..." I look at him entranced as he apologises before we both lean in again at the same time and I purposefully grind up into him which makes him grins down into me at the same time. We both hum and I push down on his lower back so he grinds into me again. Unfortunately that boosts his ego and he scoffs at me before forcefully grinding down into me more and make me gasp through my nose as I cling onto his lower back. I pull away when I suddenly realise we're in a public area and go to say something when he speaks. "It's five in the morning. No one's gonna be near this part of school let alone awake." I look back up at him and he grins evilly at the expression on my face that he can only describe as success. "The always cold and bland faced Oreki is panting and drooling for more..."

"D-drooling-?" I go to see if I really am or not but he licks along my bottom lip purposely to make me cringe. "You're so gross."

"Yeah but you love it." I sigh in defeat and he smiles as he leans down a bit and I quickly close the distance. He makes sure this one's less of a 'let's make him submissive' and more of a 'I FUCKING LOVE HIM' kiss and I really can't handle how good this feels. My lips are tingling and I'm so turned on. He grinds against me and I follow his hips. We start fighting as we try grinding harder then each other but end up getting flustered and then embbarrassed because that means the other person wins and then grinding harder. "Mm- Mmm~" Kuroo stops moving and I think he's just giving up until he stops kissing me and pants.


He's already came...

That's me done then... All this build up and it's just an anticlimax...

I look up at him and smile embarrassed when I realise that he's already came and he looks down at my face before kissing my neck suddenly. "K-Kuroo~?"

"I'm not that selfish Oreki."

"I-I wasn't-" He kisses my neck again and I accidentally moan when he grinds into my boner. "Nnn-" I stop myself and he smirks as he continues grinding and forces out struggled moans. Yet I'm still not letting myself cum because I'm so embarrassed that he's even hearing and seeing me like this. "Sorry- I'm sorry..." I pant and he looks at me confused. "Why are you sorry?"

"I can't... Do it..." I don't look at him because I'm so embbarrassed and nervous and he kisses my cheek which makes me look at him. "It's only me Oreki..."

"Yeah but..."

"But we've been friends for how long now? It's only me. No one special."

"But you are special..."

"To who?" He chuckles and I sit up suddenly. "To me!!" He looks at me shocked and I sink in my seat. "I don't just kiss my friends and do this with them, I thought you would've caught on by now but fucking never mind." I walk off and he just looks at me confused and sad and confused. Meanwhile I just take the long way to the gym and practice by myself even thought my eyes are killing me and I'm completely exhausted.

Even if he doesn't get the point that I sorta like him, I thought he would've at least gotten the point that I'm not a whore. Not judging him if he just sleeps around with anyone but also if he does I'll cry so...

Although I'm already trying not to cry...

I slam a ball into a wall and it hits me right back in the face even harder which makes me fall over and land on my butt. My bottom lip quivers before I let myself fall on my back and stay silent as I stare at the ceiling and tears run out of my eyes.

Or did he say that because I'm nothing to him?

I curl in a ball on my side and close my eyes as I continue to let the tears come out.

I really mean nothing to him?

I can't help but sob a little as I curl tighter and desperately try to sleep because I don't want to think about this.

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant