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"I'm sorry I gotta goooooo."

"It's fine. Just don't fly here again without telling me."

"And you don't stop messaging me dick head."



"Are you gonna be round for my birthday though?"

"Oya? When's this?"

"...In a month..." He looks at me shocked and smiles anxiously. "I don't think I'll be able to Ki."

"It's okay I was joking anyway."

"I'll try to though!"

"Kuroo seriously you don't have to I was just joking."

"And I'll send you a present too!!"

"KuRoO I WaS jOkInG!!"

"Well I'm not!"


Go figure he couldn't show up to my birthday dinner.

Well that's kind of a good thing.

The less people the better.

I wore uncomfortable clothes for this shit.

I miss him so much... It's been a month and I talk to him every day but I miss him so fucking much...

I watch everyone eat as I poke my steak. And all I want to do it ring Kuroo and play some COD with in my pj's- "Eat up come on." Dad pokes my cheek and I sigh before starting to eat the food. The other members of the team talk to each other and I stay silent even though it's my own birthday dinner. I eat all of my food because I know this place is expensive and dad used all of his money buying us our own room and meals for everyone. Everyone starts handing me presents at the end of our meal and I anxiously open them whilst smiling and constantly saying thank you because I don't know what to do in this situation where people are STARING AT ME AND WAITING FOR A REACTION. I get handed a letter and they stop looking so intensely and start looking at desert menu's whilst talking to each other. I realise who sent it once I open the card and my ears get red and hot as I start to get a little worked up.

'Hey stinky,
I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your birthday party. I wish I could have gone but some family stuff came up that I couldn't get out of and trust me I tried;o;
I was going to send you a present too but I couldn't think of what to get you and I didn't want to ask anyone in case they told you. I mean I know what you like don't get me wrong; nuggets, sushi, gaming, napping and ice cream but I can't send food and we already game together so rip. We haven't known each other long but you're my BEST friend and my life has been so much more fun with your boing ass in it. Also do you wanna go on a mini roadtrip soon? I can drive now so we can go anywhere you want! Or we can fly there? I don't know why I'm saying this in a card I could just text you this. And I know this is random but I know about the injuries on your cheek happened and I'm sorry I didn't find out earlier so I could wrap you in a blanket and feed you ice cream. Please tell me when something like that happens Oreki. I'm always going to be here for you do you better be prepared to have me never leave. You're like a brother to me dude. I hope you have a really good birthday. From Kuroo X'

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now