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"I'm okay Oreki I promise. The doctor said I can leave today."

"I think he's asleep Sammy..." Ukai removes my fringe from my eyes and nods when he sees my eyes closed. "Yeah he's asleep." Samuel sigh and turns to Kuroo who's just looking at me very worried still. "What did the doctor say about his foot?"

"He said he's got a grade two sprained ankle. And he had a concussion..." Samuel sighs and Kuro frowns a bit as he speaks. "They also gave him a prescription for some crutches."

"Let's do that before we leave then." Samuel sits up so Kuroo carefully takes me from him and puts me on his back as Ukai helps dad sit up and stand up which annoys him. "I'm FiNe KeIsHiN I SwEaR."

"Shut up." Dad sulks a bit as Ukai puts an arm around his waist whilst walking out meanwhile I'm still fast asleep on Kuroo's back. They get the crutches and all the pain killers we both need before going home. I start waking up when Kuroo sits me down and look around confused. "Why are we here?"

"Because da-"

"OH MY GOD DADS STILL AT THE HOSPITAL WHY ARE WE HERE-?! TAH-!" Dad Karate chops me in the stomach and I look at him offended and then realise he's home and not in the hospital. "WHY ARE YOU NOT IN THE HOSPITAL YOU'RE INJURED!"

"EVIDENTALLY LESS THEN YOU DUMBASS!" He walks me in the stomach with a crutch and I sulk as I take the crutch from him. "I'm fine."


"HE HURT YOU DAD WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!" He sighs and sits down next to me as Kuroo and Ukai make food in the kitchen. "You were supposed to leave it to Michael."

"He's a lil pussy he wouldn't have been able to stop him-"

"Yes he's a new partner of mine but he's not a pussy. He investigated the guy you chased and it took hours but he finally got him to confess everything-"

"You can't trust his words what if he's covering for someone else? His pattern isn't shooting people-"

"It all checks out don't worry. The whole reason he was using those techniques I'd because he's... A fan of me I guess... And then when he got my attention, he also got yours, and he decided to use you to get to me."

"...I thought of everything except celebrity detective?" I sigh as I sink in my seat and he smiles as he hugs me into his side. "Again Oreki it's not your job." He sees the expression on my face and shakes my shoulders a bit. "And I know it's not the job you want either so don't you dare take on a job just because you think I can't do mine properly. I'M A GREAT DETECTIVE OKAY?!"




"N o. You become an amazing volleyball player and own a coffee shop on the side. Because if you don't I will fight you. Future me will come back here and beat the shit out of you if you don't follow your dreams." He waits and I look at him shocked and confused. "Nothing happened-"

"Turns out you do listen to my advice!" I only just realise what he means and smile a bit. "Oh."

"You're slower then usual." I shrug and flop on his lap with a yawn before he sees a bit of blood on my ear from where the dressing on my head needs changing. "Ki sit up." He pats my back gently and I sit up confused. "Why?"

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now