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I wake up and look around before walking out of the bedroom and seeing dad watching TV. I walk into the kitchen and grab a cup of water as I space out. I see some letters spread across the breakfast bar and can't help but look at them.

And I see they're not letters but a bunch of apartments.

In Tokyo.

Dad wants to move.

We're moving...

"Hey Ki..." I put my cup down before walking over and he sighs. "I think you should go to a therapist... Kuroo told me what happened and I don't want you to end up in juvenile prison so... I think therapy is the best decision."


"We're moving?"

"I've been offered a job back in Tokyo..."

"You've spoke to Ukai about it?"

"Yes and we've both agreed we can do long distance."

"You're too old to do long distance! When kids do long distance it's with the hopes of 'Oh at least when I'm older I'll be able to move there with them' but you're already old enough and it's not like he's gonna move there!"

"It'll be alright Ki we'll visit! And you could join Nekoma high and join I'm their volleyball team with Kuroo!"

Volleyball team... I'd have to leave my team. I can't do that. I can't leave them. They're like my family. I'm already so close with them this isn't just like last time! Last time I wasn't friends with anyone! This time I actually have friends that are like family and now I have to leave them?! And move back to the place that made me feel like shit?!

"Or I spoke to Ukai and you could stay here in the apartment."

What? He wants to ditch me?

"I'd give you weekly money for food and Ukai would check on you every once in a while."

"Y-youd ditch me?" He stands up as he talks and I back away from him. "No no no I was just suggesting an alternative-!"

"B-because I'm getting too much~? You don't want to talk to me about how I'm feeling so you ship me off to therapy~ And now you wish I never even existed so you're going to leave me here by myself like a plant you don't care about anymore and only water every once in a while because you don't want to deal with taking it out of the pot and binning it~ Because I'm getting too much to handle just like mum~"

"No Oreki!!" I walk away from him as I feel tears run down my face and put my boots on my feet before I leave the house.

But if I wasn't sad then.

Then I am now.

Because he doesn't even care enough to follow me out of the house.

I really was right...

He just wanted to get rid of me...

Well he's succeeded...

I'll ring Hinata he's probably just going over to his. And if not Hinata's then Sugawara's or Nishi's...-Samuel's thoughts-

I tie my boots up and get my bike ready before running back inside, grabbing my coat and then leaving for the last time. I wrap my coat around me tightly before getting on my bike and cycling around. I try to think of where I should to but dad would know if I went to any of my friends. And he'd know if I bought a hotel room.

So who doesn't he know that I know?


Lenny it is then.

I cycle to his place as it starts raining and start cycling even faster until I'm at his place. I knock on the door and don't have to wait very long before Lenny answers the door. "Hey..."

"Get in! It's pouring down!" He drags me inside and I trip up a bit. "Sit down I'll get you a hot chocolate."

"T-that's okay I just need to talk to you..."

"Okay... What about?"

"I was wondering if I could stay at yours for a while... I'll pay your parents rent and clean the house and-"

"Well that won't be a problem because our mum and dad have decided they weren't gonna come back and instead were gonna continue working abroad."

Sounds familiar.

"I'll pay you rent then."

"No need. Stay as long as you need." He ruffles my hair and and I smile a tiny bit. "Are you sure?" He nods and claps his hands. "So. Hot chocolate now?" I chuckle and he smiles. "Sure."

"You can leave the bike near the front door!" He calls out to me as he walks away and I move my bike before hearing a shout. "YOU!" I jump out of my skin and look to my right to see Lenny's brother. "H-hey-"



"I'LL TALK WITH YOU LATER!!" I stand there frozen as Lenny walks out and hops over to us. "Hey~ Oreki's gonna be staying with us so be nice~"


Why is he so mad? What'd I don't?

"I'll pay rent-"

"No you won't. Just don't make a mess." I look at him confused with his sudden mood change and he just falls off and sits down on the sofa. "Uh Lenny... I was kind of hoping you had some spair school uniforms?"

"Yeah I do. Only one though so let's hope it fits." He grabs my hand and I walk behind him as I hold his hand tighter. He takes me into his giant bedroom and grabs his school clothes, hands them to me, then jumps on his bed and starts playing on his ps4. So I just start undressing there and he reluctantly looks away from the TV screen and looks back at the screen when he sees my body. I try on the uniform and thankfully it fits. It's just a bit too big. But that's nothing I can't deal with. "Thanks Lenny." I sit down next to him and he smiles but keeps his eyes pinned to the TV. "Oh yeah. You can use the bedroom next to this one or any other guest bedroom. Use anything you want dude." He pats my thigh and I smile a tiny bit. I itch the side of my head with my sweater paw and he chuckles at me. "I think they're a bit too big though."

"Eh it's fine." I smile at him and his heart skips a beat at how cute I am. His hand strokes up my thigh and I look at his hand quickly before he removes it and continues playing his game. "You can use any clothes you want. Pj's are in the drawer closest to my bed- DAMMIT!" I gulp and he crawls over on his bed to the bedside table and grabs a shirt and shorts for me. "Sorry I dont have any trousers or somethin'."

"It's fine. Thank you." I bow my head a bit and he smiles anxiously. "Don't be so formal it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow morning for school."

"Yess. Goodnight." I get up and walk out of his bedroom before walking into my new bedroom and jumping onto the double bed.

I'm nervous to stay here but Lenny's NoT a bad guy. I mean I kind of lead him on when I kissed him .-.

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ