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Me and dad are eating dinner now so I gtg

Enjoy your food Ki

I shall


Haha please come back my dad left to go to the bathroom and I just saw my mum .-.

Just say hi?

I can't

Why not?
She's your mother dude


"Oreki! Hey! How've you been sweetie?" I look away anxiously as she sits down opposite me and chuckles like nothing's wrong. "Hey talk to me!"

"I-I've been good..."

"Aren't you gonna ask how I've been?"

"H-how've you been-?"

"No you should of asked without me having to say anything!"

"I-I'm sorry I just forgot-"

"What did all of those lessons on manners go to waste?! And why are you going your fork in your right hand again?!! WHAT HAVE WE SAID ABOUT THAT OREKI?!" I scoot out of the booth quickly and she grabs my hand only to pull me into arms reach so she can slap me around the face with her nails and then point a knife at me. "M-mum stop I-I'm sorry~" I start to feel hot and panicky as I see people looking and step back to go and run out when she grabs my left hand again because my right hand is holding the cheek she slapped. I see dad behind her running over and try to take my hand back by grabbing my wrist with my other hand and trying to pull it away but she cuts the top of my wrist.

Just before dad gets to us.

"Get the hell off of him!!" He grabs her hands behind her back and goes to start arresting her when he looks at me and decides to be a father instead of a cop right now. He lets go of her and hugs me into his chest as I shift and try to breathe. "I'm so sorry Ki..."

"D-don't leave again~!"

"I won't I promise." He rubs my back and goes to pull away to look at my wrist but I won't take my face out of his chest. "Please Ki? I need to look at your injuries..." I shake my head quickly and he thinks to himself before lifting me up whilst hugging me and taking me outside. Mum runs after us and I cry harder when I see her running behind him and hide my face in his shoulder as I start crying harder all of a sudden. "I'm sorry~!" He sits me in the car quickly and kisses the top of my head before shutting the car door and locking the car. He turns back around and I hear them both shouting as I curl in a ball and get so worked up that I can't hear them anymore.

In fact I can't see anymore.

I've completely passed out from hyperventilating.

Dad gets in the car once a police car is here and turns around to check on me when he sees me passed out on my side with blood coming from my wrist and my cheek and freaks out. He leans in the back quickly and feels my pulse before turning on his police siren and rushing to a hospital.

"D-dad~? Dad~" I look around the strange room the first time before giving up straight away and covering my face as I sob. "Dad~!" I start crying harder when he doesn't appear and lay back down in the bed so I can cry into the pillow instead. "Please~ I'm sorry~ Please come back~"

This is because I'm always a piece of shit isn't it?
I can't even eat food properly of course he'd leave me...
But I love him he's my dad he can't leave~!


But mum left... Mum cut me and slapped me...

He could leave if he wanted...

"Ki? Hey hey it's okay! I just went to get you some water... It's okay come here." I look up when I recognise his voice and sit up as he walks over before wrapping my arms around his waist and hiding in his shirt. "I-I'm s-so-rry~"

"Ki you don't need to be sorry, theys nothing to be sorry about." He rubs my back and I cling onto him tighter. "I-I always cause you so m-much trouble a-and you get so stressed~"

"You're my son Ki, it's my job to get stressed when stuff like this happens to you." I don't take in what he's saying because I'm so stressed and he keeps on rubbing my back whilst I'm calming down. Once I've fully calmed down he steps back a bit and looks at my face. "We'll stay here tonight-"

"N-no I want to go home I promise I'm fine I swear please let's just go home-"

"Okay okay we'll go home it's okay." He pats my head and I rub my eyes desperately. "You're okay Oreki... We'll go home and order in yeah?" I nod tiredly and he crouches down in front of me with his back facing me. "Let's go monkey." I slide into his back carefully and he holds onto me as he stands up. "Go to sleep I'll wake you up when food comes yeah?" I shake my head and he sighs quietly as he starts walking out to his car and trying to think of a way to cheer me up. Once we're back home he starts taking me out of the car and I talk half asleep as he picks me up and carries me to the front door. "Dad?"


"I love you." He smiles sadly and hugs me tighter as he sighs again. "I love you too Ki. I'm always gonna be there for you okay? I know things are scary now but they'll get better." I nod a tiny bit and close my eyes again and he hits down om the sofa with me laying down on the sofa next to him. Ukai comes over ten minutes later with fresh pizza and sits next to my head before noticing the bandage around my hand and the big player umin my cheek. "Is this what you were telling me to hurry for?"

"Yeah... His mother found him and went mental on him."

"His mother did that?!!" I flinch and dad pats my head gently. "Yeah... That's why I've got full custody. Because she hops from job to job to get away from druggies that she owes money to and because she abuses him." I hug Ukai's thigh and he sits there frozen so he doesn't wake me up. "Should we wake him up?" Dad sighs and grabs my pizza before putting it next to my face. I wake up almost straight away and take the box straight away before stuffing my face with the cheese pizza. Ukai goes to talk but dad puts his finger up to his lips and shakes his head as I space out and watch TV. I lean to my left and rest my head on Ukai's shoulder as I continue sleep eating... Until I've finished my food and I'm just falling asleep on him instead.

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