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"You have to go to school Ki..."

"I'll go tomorrow..."

"No you have to go today. You need to make sure you don't get any more detentions otherwise you'll miss more volleyball practice and I'll have to go in and speak with the head teacher."

"Can't you do that now?"

"No it's a last resort Ki. Come on put on your school clothes."

"W-we can just say I'm sick!"

"They'll want a sick note-"

"That's okay I can forge one I just need my phone-"

"Oreki. You need to go to school. You've been away for three days now on sick leave."

"I-I know but... One more day won't hurt...?"

"I'm not arguing anymore. I know it's scary but everyone would have forgot about it by now. Hinata's worried about you, you know."

"He's always worried..." He leans down a bit as he puts my collar up and starts putting my tie on me. "Maybe he should be worried."

"...Dad I'm fine..."

"That's not exactly a good thing though is it?" I stay quiet as I look away and he grabs my school bag before putting some sandwiches in there and a chocolate bar. "Eat it all." He hands me my bag and I chew on the inside of my cheek. "Shoes come on. I'm not going to work until I'm sure you're in school." I sigh and put on my jacket before putting on my boots and then following him out to his car. I get in the back seat and he chuckles at me. "I'm not arresting you Ki."

"You sure? I did a drug." 

"A prescribed one. Although you are underage drinking so hold out your hands." I chuckle cheekily and he turns around with a glare suddenly which makes me shut up. "Next time it won't be me that finds out Ki. You do realise that."


"Good." He starts the car and I stay quiet the entire drive to school. Once I get out I'm greeted by Hinata jumping into my chest already. I sigh as I hug him and he stands there shocked but he hugs me back anyway. "I missed you." He chuckles happily and I bury my face in his shoulder difficultly because he's so short but struggle with it whilst walking to the entrance. "Ki we need to go to class."

"We have the same class it's fine." He laughs as he pushes my chest and I pout when he stops hugging me. "I need to take off my coat!" I cross my arms and wait for him to take off his coat before laying an arm around his shoulders like I normally do and walking to class with him. I get stared at as soon as I walk in and feel a nervous lump form in my throat. "Oreki, nice to see you looking well."

"Thanks..." I walk over to my table at the back left of the classroom next to a window and take out my homeroom book. 

The first few classes go well but at lunch time I get yanked by someone just as I'm walking to the roof. I see Lenny and panic as he drags me into a closet. "Uh hey I actually wanted to talk to you- I'm not gay!" I panic when he leans in to my neck and back up against the wall behind me when I feel him kiss my neck. "D-did you not hear me?"

"Oh I did I just think you're lying."

"W-what? Why?"

"Because you're already hard. And I've practically done nothing."

"I'm not-" I shut up and lean my head back against the wall when he grabs my crotch and he just grins at me. He starts rubbing me and I bite my bottom lip as I start to get hot and my ears get red. Then he bends me over a a spare desk and I panic a little as I stand back up and he grabs my hips in his hands. "L-listen I'm not gay."

"Your kiss the other night said otherwise."

"I..." I start to get light headed as he grinds against my crotch and lean my head back again. "I was drunk..."

"Just like you're drunk now?" I look back down at him and he kisses me deeply all of a sudden. The kissing mixed with the grinding and the hot air makes me finally lose control and sit him down on the desk so he's the same height as me. I kiss him back just as passionately and grab his phone from his pocket just to make sure he doesn't record anything before he knees me in the crotch on purpose but I think he's doing it on accident. Until he starts purposely moving it along my bulge and I stop kissing him at the pleasure. I keep my head down and as I pant a bit before he lifts my face up and smirks at the look on my face. "You maybe want to rethink the not gay thing." He grazes his lips against mine before I lean in hungrily and he wraps his legs around my waist. I unzip his trousers and he moans a bit surprised when I start rubbing him over his boxers. He scoots off of the desk and sits me down on the desk instead before unzipping my trousers and kissing my bulge over my boxers. I start to panic again when I realise what I'm doing and get off of the desk and do up my trousers. "S-sorry I- I said I wasn't like that." I grab my bag and leave quickly before walking to the field and sitting down against a school wall. I rest my head back as I put my bag on my lap and squeeze my eyes shut. 

For fuck sake what happening to me? I've never been interested in anything like this before. But now I'm kissing people and getting hard all the time- By a guy mind you. Not even getting hard because of a girl or because a girl's kissing me. Last night was the first time I got hard and it was because of a guy.

"Hey Oreki how are you-?"

"JESUS CHRIST." I jump out of my skin and hold my hand over my heart when I see Asahi. "I'm FiNe ThAnKs."

"SoRrY i DiDn'T mEaN tO sCaRe YoU."

"It'S fInE." He sits down next to me and I feel even more stressed out as I keep my bag covering my lap and grab my lunch. I try to distract myself by eating my food before I see Lenny again and he starts walking over. I panic and go to get up when Hinata moves my bag off of my lap and sits on my lap instead. "H-Hinata-"

"Can I have a bite?"

"W-what?" He grabs my hand that's holding the sandwich and takes a bite. "Hey!" He laughs and I pout before he leans back and rests the back of his head on my shoulder. I look at him and sigh as I hand him my sandwich and he chuckles happily. "You don't need to run Ki." I look up and see Nishinoya before he sits down in front of me. I sigh and look around to see Lenny out of sight. I wrap my arms around Hinata's waist and he snuggles into my lap some more.

I'm not hard.


...Just because someone's gay doesn't mean they like very guy they see...

Fuck sake I don't know what to think.

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