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"What you up to?"


"Show me."



"WHAT ARE YOU DOING-?! HINATA!!" I jump kick him for trying to take my laptop and land perfectly as I sit back down and eat with one hand whilst editing with the other. Hinata starts running towards me so I just get up and go back inside to the communal lounge. I put my earphones in again and slump back in the sofa.


"Oreki come on we need to go."


"The training camp has been cancelled."-Ukai-

"What? Why?"

"Hinata pissed off the headmaster by accident and he's kicking us all out. Including the other teams." I look physically annoyed and he pats my head. "We can have our little training camp? You'll all still have one and a half weeks off of school?"

"Yeah... Don't worry about that I've got an idea. I'll see you at the coach then."

"Well it's in ten minutes Ki."

"I know I'll see you there." I walk into the joined bedroom and hug Hinata when I see him crying. "I'm sorry~"

"We've already told you it isn't your fault Hinata..."-Suga-

"Yeah he's just being unreasonable!!"-Nishi-

"It's not your fault you're clumsy and spilt cereal in him." I sigh at the final explanation from a sarcastic Tsuki who's foot I stomp on before walking over to my bed. "Well the camp's not over because we're gonna have our own camp in a way nicer place then a stinky school gym. Daichi can you message the group chat with all our friend teams in to not worry and be awaiting a new plan from us?"

"Sure but... We can't afford to host it all."

"D o n t w o r r y. Just message it I'm taking care of it. Tiny child either stop hugging me and let me pick you up." Hinata jumps onto my back so I can sort out my bag and put that on my front before hopping out. "Hey Kuroo-" He kisses me and Hinata puts his hands over his eyes before Kuroo pulls away. "I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING." Kuroo just snickers and I pout a bit. "I was just gonna come tell you don't say bye to me because the camp ain't over. And also I have a present but you can't be seen near me when it happens." He looks at me confused so I just do something on my phone for nine minutes before finally hacking into the school speakers and blasting firefly by owl city at full volume. Hinata and Kuroo laugh as I bolt off and Hinata runs after me as Kuroo just smiles.
(Watch from 9:33-8:47)


"DAMN RIGHT IT'S ME! NO ONE MAKES CARROT TOP CRY AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!" He laughs harder and we run out of the school with the headmaster angrily chasing us as we run over to the coach. "IS THAT YOU OREKI?!"

"DRIVE!!" I laugh with a giant smile on my face and Ukai gets in the coach quickly and tells the driver tondrive as soon as me and Hinata are on the coach. "Got em."


"PAHAHAHA!!"-Nishi and Tanaka-

"Well they made Hinata cry I thought you'd approve."

"They made you cry?" Hinata frowns and nods a little and Ukai sits down in his seat. "Okay good job." I smile before sitting down next to Kiyoko which makes Tanaka and Noya get all 'I'll kill you' and very jealous when I take out my laptop and start talking to her. I figure out where all the other teams are and check how much money I've got saved up in my bank account and it's way more then enough for what I have planned out. "Tell the driver and everyone in the group chat to go to xxxxxxx camping ground."

"We're going camping?!!"-Hinata-

"Not really." I sit down next to Ukai and talk to him very quietly as I show him some pictures of the camping grounds. "They rent this building place out for people want to do a volleyball training camp and there's enough rooms, six bathrooms, one school type of kitchen and cafeteria, a volleyball court and racing track outside."

"That's perfect how'd you find it?"

"I went there once with dad but we didn't stay long because the coach was an asshole to me just because I couldn't receive when I was a child. Jokes on him I became a fuckin' libero the lil cunt-" Ukai flicks the side of my head and Tanaka and Nishi both laugh as he speaks. "No swearing."


"Mixed signals." Ukai chuckles at my confused expression before taking out his card. "Here."

"No I've got it. I just wanna know if this place is okay."

"You're gonna pay? How?"

"I tutor some really rich people coach." He chuckles at me. "Enough rich people that you can pay for the accommodation of a week plus the shopping we'll need and the fee to use the their equipment?"

"I thought that'd go with the accommodation?"

"You'd be surprised."

"...Fine but I don't know how to do that part I haven't done any real work in so long." I hand him my laptop and he chuckles as he does it all for me instead.

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now