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"Oreki?! What are you doing home already?!" I hear my dad calling and put my hands over my mouth quickly to try and quietly calm down.

I hope he didn't just hear my breakdown. I've been crying from the rooftops because I knew I was home alone but I started feeling like I was gonna throw up so I ran into the bathroom...

I wipe my eyes and wash out my mouth to make sure I look fine before flushing the toilet and then opening the bathroom door to see a gun in my face. I back up quickly and dad puts it down faster. "Sorry! Sorry, I thought someone broke in. What are you doing home so early? You better not be skipping school again."

"I'm not... School finished early."

"Oh. Well I've got to go back to work so I'll see you at my work at three?" I nod and walk past him silently and straight over to my bedroom. "Wait Oreki!" I stop before I walk inside my room and he walks over. "We have a court date with your mother tomorrow evening. It's after school though so you won't be able to go to practice."


"Okay! Have fun!" He ruffles my hair as he walks off before grabbing a cup and walking out. I mope back into my bedroom and curl in a ball under my duvet before continuing to try and not cry.

"Shit." I get up and sob a tiny bit as I lean my head back and walk into the bathroom.

I was crying so hard my nose started bleeding... How pathetic is that?

At least I get to see dad now though...

I stuff some tissue up my nose before walking into my bedroom and getting undressed. I put on a white tank top and then a t-shirt over that before putting on a black hoodie and Suga's scarf and some black jeans. I make sure I'm as comfy as possible by putting on my black boots and black fingerless gloves. I walk out finally and decide to walk all the way to the precinct. The receptionist lets me through without a word because she knows who I am and I head up to dads work area. I get to the floor he's on and look around confused when I see he's not at his desk so I walk over to it and sit down in his chair.

Maybe he's got something on the killer he was talking about earlier...

I look around at other people minding their business as I slide open one of his drawers and immediately shut it when I see the mail man walking over to me. "Hey Oreki how's it going?"

"Good Kazu what about you?"

"Good also! Hey give this to your dad when you can okay?"


"Sweeeet." He walks off and I sit back and open the letter under the line sight of the desk so no one can see. And the letter confirms my suspicion and also confuses me at the same time.

'One of them will die
Karasuno high'

I feel my heart in my throat and put the envelope in my pocket before putting his letter back on his desk and getting up.

I know he's working this case so why isn't there anything substantial on his desk?

The only reason for that could be that he's using it in an investigation...

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now