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"You're okay bubbah." He strokes my fringe out of my face and tears run down my face at the pain. Lights in the ceiling flashing every two seconds whilst I'm being wheeled somewhere. "Am I dying~?"

"No you're not dying you're gonna be fine Ki. I won't let anything bad happen I promise."

"Y-you promise?" His face starts going blury as I hold out my pinky and he looks hi pinky with mine just before everything goes black.

And then everything goes bright when I sit up panting. I feel sweat drip down my face and get up quickly as I shiver. I'm hot but I feel freezing cold and I'm terrified.

I thought my nightmares had stopped but now they're back again.

I walk over to dads room and open the door only to see Ukai laying next to dad and reading a book. And dad sitting up against the headboard with his glasses on and looking at some papers. He looks toward me just before I shakily shut the door and talks confused. "Ki?"

"S-sorry..." I shut the door quickly before walking over to Kuroo's room and seeing him fast asleep. I gulp as I walk inside the dark room and shut the door behind me before walking over to the bed and laying down on the floor next to the bed instead. I put my hood up to hide my scared expression before someone pokes my shoulder. I curl tighter in a ball and Kuroo looks at me with a frown. So he gets down on the floor with me and takes the duvet off of the double bed before laying it over us both. "Did you put me in here because you don't want to annoy your dad or is it because we kissed?"

"I didn't want to annoy my dad... Plus the guest bedroom has a double bed and we wouldn't fit in a single bed."

"We would we'd just have to cuddle."

"I'm already too hot..."

"Then let's get you sorted out."

"I'm okay here..."

"It's a hard wood floor Oreki."

"I don't care."

"...What's wrong Ki?"


"So you just missed me and came into my room?"

"Stop talking."


"Kuroo please~" My voice comes out shaky and his smirk quickly turns into a frown as he hugs me into his chest. "Okay... But we're sleeping in your room." He lifts me up and I keep my hoodie hiding my face as he takes us into my bedroom. I crawl onto my bed and open a window before getting under the duvet and laying it over Kuroo. He rests his head in my chest and I hug him tightly. "Nightmare?"


"Wanna talk about it?"

"It was just of when I broke my foot... But it's fine..."

"You sure?" I nod and he looks up at me. "O-oh. Yeah. I just don't want to be alone..." I mumble and he buries his face in my chest again and strokes my hair. "Well you're not alone."


I'm not?

I hug him into my chest tightly and listen to the rain outside. It slowly sending me back to sleep as I keep stroking his hair.

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now