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"Ki! Come on! Let's go eat lunch with the others!"

"No thanks..."

"Awe come onnn~"

"See you later." I talk as I grab my bag and I know he sees the plaster on my cheek so I walk as fast as possible out of there. "Wait! Ki!"

"Leave me alone Hinata."

"But Ki-!"

"I said I'll see you later!" He frowns and stops following me so I continuing what I was doing and find an empty storage cupboard for me to hide in. I sit down on a spare chair and lock the door before curling in a ball and hiding my face in my bag. And ending up falling asleep as well.

I wake up god knows how many hours later and quickly open the door before walking into a completely pitch black corridor.

How long was I asleep for?!

I walk around and out to the gym. Thankfully the light is on so I walk over and see the others putting everything away. I stay in the door frame as I watch them all pack up before looking to my right and seeing Ukai looking at me. He tilts his head towards the team and I just stay still. "You missed practice!" Hinata runs over to me and I just look at him slightly annoyed. "Not on purpose."

"Oh what happened?"

"...My nap was too long..."

"Orekiiii~!" He sighs and I just look at him with a blank face. Then Nishi hops over and starts dragging me with the others out of the gym and somewhere else. "Uh where are we going?"

"To a party!"

"I think I should probably go home instead-"

"Nope you're coming." I sigh and take my hand back before taking off my school jacket and tie and putting them in my bag. I untie two top buttons and Suga chuckles at me. "What?"

"It's funny seeing you get ready."

"...Why?" He shrugs and wraps an arm around my shoulders and stays like that all the way to the party. Once inside I float towards the alcohol and the others all start mingling. It's a pretty huge apartment and I don't know who's place this is but whoever's it is are extremely rich. And the neighbours obviously don't care which is nice because the music is deafeningly loud. I take out some of my pain medication from my bag and look at them in my hand. 

Dad's getting more fed up with me...

And I gave him a scare before when I got too drunk...

But this'll numb me...

At least for a few hours.

And dad isn't here either.

I just want to let go for a night. 

One more time, like before.

I put the two tablets in my mouth and take them with a shot of vodka. There's so many people in here that I've lost the members already and it doesn't entirely matter if I found them in the first place.

They'd probably have a go at me for having one shot of vodka.

Who am I kidding? They aren't my dad, they're the ones that knew about this party, I just got dragged along!

I grab some bottles from the bar and a cup and start mixing some whiskey with some fake moonshine and pineapple juice to try and make it taste a little better. I drink about three pints of that because I think it's not hitting me. But it hits me about ten minutes after my third pint and it hits me real hard. 

But that's what I wanted.

I move into the crowd of people and dizzily start casually dancing amongst the crowd. Someone bumps into my chest and I go to step back when I realise they're doing it on purpose. And they're grinding on me... On purpose. I start to get turned on as I look down at the person and realise it's a guy but I don't care. I'm too drunk to care. All I know is that they're egging me on and I'm too drunk to object him. He turns around and our foreaheads get close as I look at this random cute man. He smiles as he sees my face and steps forward so our noses are gently grazing. I look at his face completely entranced as my hands snake up to his face and hold his head in my hands. He looks behind me as I lean in all the way and kiss him slowly and tenderly. Only to be ripped away from him and thrown to the floor. I get kicked in the ribs before I can understand anything and hug my stomach.

The music's too loud to hear what this man's yelling at me about and everything's spinning too much! 

He points to the front door so I get the hint and get up slowly before walking out of the apartment and down the street. I wobble around as I try to head back home before a car stops next to me. "Hey you look like you need a ride." I look at the lady and then the taxi car and squint my eyes. "No I'm good."

"You look drunk dude. Do you even know where you're going?"

"Yeah I..."


I don't know where I am...

"Hop in I'll give you a lift."

"I don't have any money." 

"That's fine." I get in the back and hit my head on the car before shutting the door. I tell her my apartment and she drives me there, as well as helping me out of the car and helping me to the front door. "I have some money inside somewhere..." I open the door and stumble inside so she follows me in anxiously. "Hey how old are you?"

"Why?" I remember my wallet is in my school bag along with my phone and everything else and then remember my bag is in the apartment I just left and sigh. "I can't give you any money I'm sorry. I left my bag at a friends house."

"I told you it's fine. Get yourself to bed yeah?"

"Mm." She waves before walking out of the apartment and I lock the door behind her. I wobble into my bedroom and groan annoyed as I lay on top of my bed covers.

I'm tired, hungry, in a lot of pain, and still turned on.

I think I'll just sleep...

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now