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"Oreki... Hey wake up. We're going out for breakfast with the team."

"What?" I wake up slower then usual and sit up slowly as a giant headache hits me. "Yeah we're meeting at the English breakfast cafe we used to go to."

"W-why? Are they kicking me off the team?! I don't want to be off the team I-!"

"WOAH WOAH no one's being kicked off anywhere calm down." I clench my jaw and look down at my already shaky hands. "Ukai just says they miss you and they're worried about you."

"It's only been a day..."

"...Oreki you've been asleep for two days."


Suga said that I wouldn't be at the practice and he's right.

He's gonna hate me even more then he already does...

"Are you feeling okay?" He puts his hand on my forehead and I just continue to space out. "You don't have a temperature... Oreki?"

"Rain check..." I lay back down and he sighs as he stands up straight. "No. No more rain checks. I've been putting up with you skipping school because I thought it was your mothers idea but you are not rain checking anything anymore. I know things are complicated and shit right now but that's no reason to shut out your friends."

"They aren't my friends they don't care about me. They only care that I'm on their team. But what does that matter anymore? I can't even remember how to play. And Nishi's the libero again so they don't need me. They never needed me. You don't even need me. You'd have a lot more money if I was dead-"

"DON'T YOU FUCKING SAY THAT!!" I flinch and keep my back facing him before he takes my duvet and I look at him finally. "I am not losing you do you hear me?" He crouches down and holds my shoulders tightly. "Not now not ever. I do need you in my life because without I have no fucking reason to live at all. Now put on some clothes and be ready in five minutes because we're leaving." He gets up and I sit there stunned as he leaves.

He had tears in his eyes...


Do I really mean that much to him?

I get up slowly and shiver because I'm cold as I put on a white shirt and my only black hoodie with some black skinny jeans again. I see Sugawara's scarf and my eyes go teary as I pick it up and wrap it around my neck. 

Why has he of all people got to be the one that hates me?

I've always felt more pulled towards Sugawara but now I feel like I should stay away.

I'm scared of him...

Why do I have to be so sensitive all the time?

I cover my mouth and nose with the scarf and close my eyes shut tightly as I try not to sob again. "Oreki come on!" I snap out of it and put on a blue beanie as well before picking up my volleyball and walking out and putting on my boots and walking outside and into the car with dad. I space out once we arrive but the car door closing on my dads side snaps me out of it and I get out of the car. I anxiously walk over to the door behind dad and look up to hold the door open when I Suga walking over to me. I tense up and step back from him before he grabs my hand and walks around the corner with me tripping behind him. "Oreki-"

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now