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"Hey, you woke up early..." Kuroo hugs my back and I bite my lips as I feel a ball form in my throat whilst trying to make some pancakes. "Mm..."

"I lied I saw you asleep in the spare bedroom this morning."


"What happened? Did I snore too loud?" I shake my head and he pats my belly gently as he nuzzles the side of my head. "What happened thennnnn~?"

"I just-" I clear my throat and he frowns as he stops hugging me. "Had a nightmare..."

"Are you okay? What was the nightmare?"



"Please? Maybe I can help?"

"...It was about you..."

"...What happened?"



"...You were cheating on me... With Sugawara... Whilst being really assholey... And I had to watch because I couldn't move... You looked at me so disgusted..." I put the spatula back down and he speaks as I lean against the kitchen counter and sob. "That'd never happen Ki." He looks at me sadly and he can tell this is definetely about more then just the nightmare when I gasp for air and bend over the counter completely because I'm so weak. "Hey Ki come on you're okay." He strokes my back as he speaks gently before I stand up straight a bit and he pulls me into him tightly. "You're okay, I've got you."

"I'm sorry~ I'm always crying and being sick and being injured and crying and crying and everything's just shit around me because people around me get miserable and I ruin people's lives like a bad luck charm~ I can't win over your parents I'm not good enough~ I'm not good enough for you~ I'm not good enough for anyone~ And I'm not going to change any time soon so do you really want a family with someone like me~? Crying all the time~? No benefit to anything whatsoever other then sex-?" I start coughing and he lifts me up with my legs around his waist as I breakdown into his shoulder. I feel him and me lay down but just ignore it as I continue to let the bad thoughts take over until I hear the shower turn on. I hide in Kuroo's chest as the shower rains on the weak mode on us both and speak whilst trying to stop my crying. "S-stop th-the wat-ter~!!"

"Not until you stop being stupid! I love you Oreki and I don't care if you cry all the time- Even though you don't- BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! And it's not a teenager love Oreki I see my future with you!! I see myself running around after our twin boys, and them bothering you whilst you're trying to read your newspaper in your rocking chair by the plant corner!! And then I come over smiling because they keep on asking you to help then with volleyball and you're too tired but cute!! We have an adult cat and a puppy and the cat is really grumpy but friendly like you and keeps on slapping the puppy when he gets too excited~! You're the whole package Oreki and I'm not going to cheat on you just because we're going through a tough time right now... Okay? So stop being stupid. I mean I've already set aside a separate bank account to save up money for us to buy our dream place." He looks down at me with teary eyes as I cry into his chest still and he endures the disgusting water on his clothes as I do. "I guess we're gonna be in the shower for a while then."

"I love you~"

"...Do you get it?" I nod and he turns off the shower. "I love you so much Oreki. I'd donate my heart for you."

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن