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"Raven you can't eat that yet."


"Because we haven't eaten dinner yet."


"...Because uncle Kuroo went to go pick it up."


"Why are you asking why?"


"Why?" Raven looks at me totally confused and I grin in victory as I pick him up on my waist. "Sweets after dinner Raven."

"But I want the sweets!"

"You can't have them yet Raven."

"BUT I WANT THEM NOW!!" He slaps my chest and I close my eyes as I stop walking.

I can't get mad... I never wanted to be alone with the kids because of this exact reason. What happens if I get angry? What if I lose it like mum used to and I just got them and start screaming?

I know I can't do that but what if when we have kids the emotions build up too much and I end up abusing them too?

Shouldn't that be motivation for me to keep my cool? Kuroo told me if they need timeout then they usually get faced against the wall...

Okay... I mean I'm here to be a sort of parent figure so I can't let him think it's okay to scream and shout.

"Raven it's not okay to hit people-" He slaps my chest again so I crouch down on the floor and make him stand up as I hold onto his hands unknowingly tight. "Raven if you hit me again it's timeout for two minutes." I raise my voice slightly and let go of his hands and he starts hitting my chest.

Mum used to spank me if I did this... But this isn't my kid... And I remember how traumatising that was for me... But he's slapping me!

But he's just a kid...

I take in a deep breath before taking him over to the wall near the stairs. "You're staying in timeout for two minutes because you hit me after I warned you. If you look away from this wall then it's four minutes. Think about what you did wrong, okay?" I face him to the wall before walking into the kitchen and watching him from there. "Face the wall!" He quickly faces the wall again and Kuroo walks inside and stands quietly as he watches. It's a long two minutes of me watching him and telling him to stand still but he eventually does as he's told and the two minutes are up. I walk over to him and he goes to give me a hug but he keep him away from me so he understands. "What did you do wrong? Hey?"

"Tried to eat sweets before dinner~"


"And I hit you and didn't listen~" He sniffles and I hug him finally. "Good boy." I kiss the top of his head and Kuroo kisses the top of mine before walking into the kitchen. I sit down on the sofa with Isu and a sleeping Robin before Raven cheekily stomps over to me and reaches for my phone. "You can't have it unless you eat."

"Mummy and daddy don't let you watch videos until after dinner Raven!" He doesn't listen to Kuroo calling out either and I can tell he's not. "You can't watch it before you eat." He stares at me before grabbing it and I lift it up and away from his hand before speaking sternly. "No." I remove it from the sofa arm and put it on the other side of me next to Isu. And then Raven walks to that side and goes to grab my phone again. "Raven, didn't you hear me? Do you think I'm joking?"

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum