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"Breakfast sweetheart."

"Mmm?" I rub my eyes as I walk into the kitchen before Kuroo puts a glass and a plate in my hands. "Orange juice and a smoked salmon, cream cheese and rocket bagel."

"Thank you." He kisses my forehead and I walk still half asleep into the lounge. I sit down on the floor and put the food and drink on the coffee table before rubbing my eyes again as I yawn. He strokes my hair as he sits down next to me and I finally realise what he's just made me. "This is my favourite brunch breakfast food thing." He nods as he eats his fried egg and bacon bagel and I smile as I sip the orange juice before stuffing my face with a bagel slice happily. I finish one slice and flop on his lap. "I'm going back tonight because I shouldn't have left anyway... But I'm taking you on a date!" He smiles and looks down at me. "Where we going?"

"...I don't know." He chuckles and I yawn as I sit up. "Actually let's go hang out with the others. Or at least Bokuto."

"Sounds like a plan." He yawns as we both finish our food before he lays back on the sofa and yawns AGAIN. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Let's have a nap. We went to bed really late last night."

"Nah I'm not tired. I'll have a shower." I lean down and peck his forehead before going to peck his lips when he slides his hands onto my lower back and kisses me back way more passionately. I relax a bit as I kiss him passionately finally and he desperately tried to deepen the kiss but I reluctantly pull away. "I need to shower-" He starts kissing the side of my neck and I clench my jaw as I let my head hang a bit. "This isn't fair."

"Mm~?" He pulls my crotch down into his by pushing down my lower back and I clench my fists as my ears start to go red. "Kuroo I-"

"But remember what we said last time? That next you'd be the one? ...Please Ki I miss you every time I leave and I just-" I kiss him deeply all of a sudden when I hear his vulnerable tone and he rubs my lower back.

I'm seriously not in the mood but I am in the mood but I'm tired but I want to have a bath but I want to fuck him but I'm so fucking tired and lazy right now.

I can give him a blow job though.

I pull down his trousers a bit and go down on him just when he speaks. "Ki I want you not that."

"But I'm too tired..." He sighs and I start to really feel the pressure as I look up at him. "Are you sure you don't want...?"

"I'm sure." I just stay frozen because I don't know what to do and he pecks my lips as he sits up. "It's fine. Go have a shower."

"..." He chuckles when I think he's playing a game and hugs me. "I'm being serious Ki it's fine."

But he wanted it so badly... Now what if I do have a shower then he's mad at me? But it's weird me just sitting here... But now he's sad. He's being serious? He's mad. And it's my fault.

Something really starts to spark again almost like ptsd from when mum used to get mad at me and tears well up as my jaw shivers. "I'm being honest baby it's okay." He knows he accidentally pushed a button and kisses my cheek before laying his head on my lap and holding up his phone to try and distract me. "Netflix or a DVD?" I ignore him as I wrack my brain to try and find a way to calm him down, when he's already calm and was never mad in the first place. He caresses my cheek and I look down at him finally, revealing how teary my eyes actually are. "It's oka-"

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now