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"What the poop are you doing up?!"

"Uh. Nothing...? I just went to bed too early so here I am." I talk as I grab a cup and the coach frowns as I start the coffee machine without putting my cup under it and have a tiny panic. I put the cup under it quickly and he looks at me suspiciously. "Oreki go get some more sleep."

"I can't I just said I-"

"I know, you went to bed early and you can't sleep anymore but it's four in the morning and you guys have got to be up in two hours."

"But you're up too..."

"Oreki I woke up five minutes ago with an alarm set so I can organise things." I stay quiet and rub my eyes tiredly. "Just go lay down and if you fall asleep again then you fall asleep. Okay?"

"...But my coffee-"

"Go To BeD oReKi!"

"Okay okay." I walk out and he chuckles as he takes my coffee and drinks it himself. I walk into the bedroom and grab my shoes before putting them on and leaving the building. I walk around the cold city and look around at all of the shut shops until I see an art store that's open. I walk inside and look around as I start thinking if whether I should make everyone something.

I mean this is gonna be the last day as a team with Nishi.

Maybe I should make a necklace for us all...

Or a bracelet.

A bracelet!

That way they will see it when they play and be reminded that wherever each other are we're one.

I look around and grab some leather string and then some clasps and tiny metal rings. Then a few larger rings and looking around for something special.

Or bird related. Considering everyone calls us crows. Hmmm...

I find some small bird feet clips and grab some of them before walking over to the counter. I then remember that I need tools and run back around grabbing them before running back over to the counter and paying for everything. I walk back to the building and slip inside before walking into the bedroom area and sitting down on my bed with my duvet around my shoulders and my bag of stuff in front of me. I start making the bracelets with an idea in mind before getting up and carefully putting a bracelet each next to every team members faces or hands. Including the managers, the coach and the team advisor. I put my bracelet on my pillow before putting the left over stuff in my bag and going back to sleep finally.



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"Yeah I wonder who gave them to us..."-Suga-

"I bet it was Nishi!"-Tanaka-

"Hey it wasn't me!! It's an adorable idea but it wasn't me."-Nishi-

"Why hasn't anyone woke up Oreki yet?" Daichi walks over to me and crouches down next to me. "Come on we got breakfast and then warm up." He pokes my cheek and I open my eyes before huffing and sitting straight up then look at the bracelet in my hand confused. Half of the confusion is real because I don't remember putting the bracelet on my hand, but the other half is to sell that it wasn't me that made them. "Yeah we're confused too." I put it on before rubbing my eyes and laying back down with a thud. "Gotta get changed."


"Iiiiinnnn five minutes."


"'Mm' because you understand it you're asleep."

"I'll get changed in three and a half minutes." I put my hand up and pat his face before he falls back very slowly on his butt to get away from my hand and the others snicker. I count the time in my head before sitting up and then standing up half asleep.

I'm playing against him today...


I grab my sports stuff and make sure everything is in my volleyball bag before putting on my Karasuno team shirt and a hoodie on top then the shorts and some flip flops. I walk over to the lounge when I notice I'm by myself and as soon as I walk inside the lounge Nishi's in my face. "ARE YOU THE BRACELET SANTA?!"


"Dammit who did it?" Nishi sighs and I feel a little bad but ignore it. A little. "Does it matter?"




"O K A Y!" I sit down at the table and Suga hands me a plate of food as they all talk amongst each other. Meanwhile I'm eating some breads and debating whether or not to eat the ham, cheese and mushroom carbonate Suga put in front of me. "Open."


"Aahh." I look at Suga confused and slightly aggravated as he holds up a fork full of pasta. "Pre-game meals are important come on." I take the form from him with a pout and he smiles. I eat half of the plate Suga gave me before getting up and grabbing a cup. "Anyone want a drink?"

"Ooo I'll have a coffee please."

"Yeah me too."

"Can I have some chocolate milk?"

"POT OF TEEEEAAAAAA." I walk out once I've got all of the drink orders and put a bunch of cups in a tray before sorting them all out and putting a pot of tea on there as well. I walk back to the lounge with the tray in my hands before putting it in the middle of the table. I grab my hot chocolate and sit down, listening to everyone talk as I very slowly start to fall asleep. Nishi sees me falling asleep and quickly grabs the boiling hot drink out of my hands before I spill it on myself. I open my eyes suddenly and he smiles at me. "Go back to sleep I was just making sure you didn't spill your drink." I clear my throat and sit up straight before leaning my chin on my hand and spacing out. Then I start drifting off again just before Hinata jumps on me. "What you doin'?"


"Thank you for the bracelet." He whispers and I pout a little.

How did this guy out of all of them figure it out first?

He leaves me alone again before I resty arms crossed on the table and hide my face in them before having a little nap.

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now