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"WHERE'S OREKI?!" Hinata looks at Daichi desperately and Daichi chuckles awkwardly. "He's at home Hinata... He sprained his ankle pretty badly..."

"What?! Will he be able to play again?!"

"Yes but... Not at the tournament."

"What? He's not playing at the tournament?"-Kageyama-

"No... But we're going round his house after practice for pizza so lets focus on practice." They start practice, meanwhile I'm difficultly walking up the stairs to the house before unlocking the door and chucking my crutches inside. Kuroo left this morning after thirty minutes of me trying to convince him I'm fine just so I can win an argument. But now I'm just really depressed because I miss him and my leg still hurts like mad and he hasn't messaged me get because he's probably still on his way back home or he's asleep. I lean on the walls as dad looks at me annoyed before chucking a pillow at me. "I know the crutches are annoying but you've gotta be careful when you throw them okay?"

"...I miss Kuroo..." I disappear into my bedroom after those short weak words and he frowns even more. I lay down on my bed and curl in a ball as I try ringing Kuroo but he doesn't pick up. I hug his hoodie and close my eyes as I try ringing him again. "I lied, I need you here..." He doesn't pick up again so I give up and hide my face in his hoodie to just try and push down the sadness and go to sleep.

"Sweetie wake up. Your mates will be round any minute."

"Cancel it..."


"Cancel it." I roll over on my front so he can't see my face and he sighs as he lays down next to me. "Why?"


"I know you miss Hinata."


"So why don't you want to see them?"

"I have no energy left."

"That's fine, they just want to eat pizza and watch a movie don't they?"

"Yeah but Hinata will be asking so many questions and they'll all be like 'awe let me get that for you' and look at me like I'm broken when I walk into the kitchen or the bathroom. This is the whole reason why I hide in different places of Japan when this shit happens."

"They're your friends Oreki they're allowed to be worried."

"Well I don't want to be."

"I don't either but I still let you make me tea and coffee all the time and grab my newspaper for me."

"Yeah but you've been shot-"

"And you can't walk."

"I can."

"With crutches." I stay quiet and he knows he hit a nerve. He pats my back and my voice comes out shaky as I try not to cry. "Cancel it~"

"No Ki they're coming over. Get up and get dressed or you can let Hinata jump on you when they get here, okay? Now what kinds of ice cream?"

"Rum and raisin~"

"With a frape?"

"Yeah~" I sob a little and he kisses the back of my head and squeezes me for a second before standing back up. "Take your time." He leaves the bedroom and I stiffle my crying the best I can as I grab my phone. I go on my YouTube channel and watch the very first video I made about the friends I've made in volleyball. The only time I appeared was in the beginning when I woke up the members.

What if I can never play volleyball again?

I messed up my ankle even more. And it's the same ankle as before that got hurt.

Which means my foot/ankle is going to be hurting and messed up for the rest of my life and I always have to be careful with it otherwise this will happen?

That means a future in volleyball isn't even possible for me if this will keep on happening.

I get up and get changed into a hoodie and jogging bottoms with my black leather boots before walking out. I grab my crutches as both dads freak out a bit and I walk over to the front door. "Ki the others will be here soon!"

I can't worry about that right now, I can't breathe, I can't think. The one thing that makes me happy I can't do again.

Except now it's not my mums fault it's my own for being so fucking stupid.

I'm never going to play without care again, am I?

I open the front door before dad pushes it shut and I squeeze my eyes shut as he speaks softly and tries to get me to go relax without forcing me.

But I can't hear him.

I need to get out of here.

It's too hot.


"Just let me breathe!!!" He looks at me and sees I've got my phone in my pocket as well as my wallet and my leather gloves on. He let's go of the door handle and steps back as I put on my coat. "I'll be back."

"I know. Call me if something happens Ki." My heart thumps in my head as I walk out quickly before heading straight to an airport. The airports that scare the shot out of me and make me want to vomit from how scared I get. I walk over to the desk and grab a ticket to the soonest flight.

Heading to Tokyo.

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now