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"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry wake up." I open my eyes and see orange hair. I close my eyes again and chuckle. "Carrot top you scared the shit out of me."

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I swear!!!" He hugs me tightly and hides his face in my chest as he sobs. "Carrot top... What's wrong?"

"I tripped you up~!!"

"Yeah but it wasn't in purpose was it?"

"Of course not~!"

"Then stop crying. It's my fault I should have tied my shoe laces properly." I sit up and he sniffles as he grabs my shoulders. "L-lay back down you're injured."

"I'm fine Hinata."

"Don't argue with him Oreki, he's right." My head spins towards the familiar voice and I see my dad before I get hit by a giant headache. "What the hell's going on?" I hang my head as I hold my hand over my forehead and dad crouches down next to me and put some pain killers in my right hand. "You didn't tie your shoe laces, Hinata didn't see and stepped on them, you went to the hospital and didn't need anything doing because the cut wasn't big enough for any stitches and then I told Ukai to take you back here because you'd be mad if I sent you home so I came here because I was worried."

"Oh... You were?"

"No I just came all the way over here for no reason."

"But like you said you were told it was just a scratch-"

"The hospital Oreki."-Samuel-


"What about the hospital?"-Hinata-

"He just uh... Gets panic attacks when he's in them."

"Oh. Good thing we're back here then." Hinata smiles at me and I pat his head before standing up and stretching. "Aaaaaaand I missed the game again wooo."

"We stopped the game... There was a lot of blood for just a small scratch."

"He's extra." I pout at my dads words and he pats my back which makes me frown at the pain. "Maybe you should TAKE IT EASY THEN!!" He slaps my back again but harder and I shout as he smiles cheekily. "What do you wanna do then whilst I'm here?"



There Hinata goes.

"Of course."

"Can you show me?! I'm a really big fan!" Hinata looks at dad no.1 with sparkling eyes and dad turms to me. "You coming?"

"No I gotta go do something. But I'll go to the gym hall after?"

"Okay. Hurry up."-Dad-

"Yeah." I walk out and start my mission on trying to find Kuroo, but he finds me first. "Oreki-" He cuts himself off when he drags me into his chest and I hug him back gently. "Fuck it was so scary." He hugs me tighter as he speaks and I cling onto his shirt. "There was blood everywhere I thought you were seriously hurt. Like dead hurt."

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now