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"Come on come on our train leaves in ten minutes!"

"I'M WEARING CRUTCHES KUROO!" He tuts me when he knows I'm right and the tut just annoys me even more before he kisses my cheek and I calm down a bit. "I'm just really exciteeddd."

"I know. I am too. But I can't." I wiggle the crutches angrily as he keeps a hand on my side and hides his face in my shoulder. "I know, I just really excited." I smile a little as we walk over to his house front door. "Let's go then." He opens the front door and we both freeze. "Hey Kuroo- Who's this-?"

"HE'S FINALLY GOT A GIRLFRIEND!! I KNEW YOU WERE JUST GOING THROUGH A PHASE WHEN YOU SAID YOU WERE GAY! WHAT'S YOUR NAME SWEETIE?" His mum takes my hands and I feel very confused and very freaked out about being put into a corner like this. "Mum-"

"I'm so glad he finally has a girlfriend- You know we were getting so worried!! He told us he was gay do we decided to move away without him and it did some good it seems!!"

"Now the family tree can continue! Let's go have a family dinner to celebrate-!!"

"He's a he you guys!!" I continue to stay quiet and Kuroo's mum takes her hands back as his dad looks at me annoyed. And it's terrifying. "Well why didn't you say anything?"

"It's not his fault you two assume too much. And it's not a phase because he's my boyfriend." They both look at Kuroo before glaring at me like they're going to kill me and my ears go red in panic before Kuroo holds my hand and I squeeze his hand a couple of times so he knows I'm not feeling so good. "And he's amazing. And he's everything to me. So take all the time you need to come to terms with this but it's not changing. And I'm going to marry him-"

"You proposed?! Are was it the twink?!!!" My hands start really shaking and he strokes my hand with his thumb to keep me calm whilst he says goodbye before his dad grabs the collar of my shirt and I trip a tiny bit on my bad foot and he yanks me closer to him as he shouts. "What the fuck did you do to my son-?!!" Kuroo pushes him away and I think that's it as he quickly helps me stand up before his mother looks at me and just feeling the same energy from her that I used to feel when my own mum got angry really doesn't help so I just hide my face in his chest and squeeze his hand over and over again as I hyperventilate. She stops and Kuroo stops everything as he strokes my back. "Hey it's okay I won't let them hurt you- You're okay you're okay you're okay." I gasp as I weakly tap his waist before he holds my hands and intertwines our fingers. Kuroo's dad goes to have a go at me again when he turns around and gets up but Kuroo's mum stops him. "He's not forcing our son to do anything..." She walks over to me and I flinch when I feel a hand on the back of my head. "He's overprotective is all..."

"Mum his mother used to abuse him he can't deal with this shit especially after the morning he's had already." She looks at him a bit shocked before chuckling Kuroo's dad inside the house. "Continue what you were doing. Or we can eat lunch together?" He shakes his head and she nods before they leave us alone and Kuroo looks me in the eyes. "You're okay I promise. Mum understands, dad is confused and has an IQ of five." I continue to shiver a little bit and he wipes away my tears as he hugs me tightly into him. "I'm so sorry Ki..."

"I'm j-just cold." He knows that's not true when I shakily breathe in and strokes my back as I breathe out. "You can wear my hoodie then yeah?" I shakily nod before he pulls away and puts his hoodie on me that he was taking with him just in case. "Do you want to go to a hotel instead-?"

"N-no I told you I'm just c-cold."

"Okay. Let's go then." I walk next to him to the train station and we both sleep on the train before getting back to my hometown and heading straight to a theme park.

The whole time I just feel sick to my stomach from my nerves and I just want to cry my eyes out into Kuroo's chest but I know that'd annoy him and I don't want to annoy him anymore with my pathetic crying and hyperventilating.

It's not his fault I freak out at anything and everything all the time so I shouldn't be troubling him this much.

Later on we head back to my house and even though I'm smiling and momentarily happy because I'm back home and I'm with Kuroo, Kuroo knows I'm not feeling too good but can't force me to tell him what he can do when he knows even I don't know. "Hey dad... Sorry I left I just had to collect my Pokemon." Kuroo chuckles and both dads just yawn and give typical tired responses whilst yawning. "Yeah that's fine."

"Ahhh how dare yoouuu."

"Okay night!" I tut them and Kuroo chuckles as they disappear into dads bedroom. "We should probably sleep too."

"Yeah." I smile as I walk into my bedroom and me and Kuroo get in the covers as fast as humanly possible to go to sleep. "You know I don't care what they think." I open my eyes and hug him as a response whilst we lay in bed. "I'm going to be with you whether they like it or not and they're not gonna lay a hand on you again."

"I know..."

"I promise Oreki-"

"I know baby." I hug him tighter and he wraps his arms around me too. "Good."

"I love you." He doesn't answer because he falls asleep and that makes me frown but I fall asleep anyway because I'm so tired.

"N-no... Stop! Stop it!! Kuroo why are you doing this...!" Sugawara looks down at me as Kuroo slides his hand down over his ass and tears fall down my face as Kuroo ignores me and Sugawara moans loudly on purpose. "K-Kuroo~ Please stop I love you~" I try to cover my eyes but my hands and arms won't move. So I try to look away, but I can't. I try to just close my eyes or look away but I can't do that either. I cry harder as Kuroo takes off Sugawara's tops and whispers something in his ear which sounds like he's whispering it to me. "Don't tell Oreki."

"Who's Oreki?" They both laugh and I cry even harder as I try desperately to move. "STOP IT!! STOP! PLEASE!! I'M SORRY!! KUROO~! Please~ I'm sorry~ I'm so sorry~"

"He's so disgusting... Thank god I have you instead."

"I'm sorry~ I know I don't deserve you I'm so sorry~ But please~ Not like this- Stop it~!!" Suga moans again and I wail harder-

I gasp and fall out of bed onto the floor. I can't even worry about my own feelings because I'm too worried about whether I woke up Kuroo or not because I don't want to worry him or wake him up, but see he's fast asleep. And then remember every single detail of that nightmare. My stomach churns and I clench my jaw as I slowly get up and lean against the bedroom wall as I desperately get out of the bedroom as fast as possible. I break down once outside the front of the house and painfully slip down to the floor as I sob as quietly as possible.

I'm so pathetic I'm now having nightmares about Kuroo cheating on me?

I mean it would be no surprise if he did because I'm nothing.

"I'm nothing~" You can hear the hope has left my voice as I keep my head resting back on the front door and let the pain take over my foot and throat. "I'm sorry~ I don't deserve you I'm so sorry~" I hide my face in my hands as I get a bit too loud and then sob harder when I feel myself get a nosebleed so I go back inside and into the bathroom. I let the blood flow out before cleaning it all up and walking back into the lounge.

He's probably disgusted to be even sleeping next to me... Breathing in the same room... He does deserve everyone else and apparently deep down inside I know that...

I walk into the spare bedroom and fall onto the bed and hug the duvet inbetween my arms and legs as I continue to cry and really wish I had some vodka right now to drink five bottles of.

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon