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That's not Kuroo... It's three in the morning... And we have a secret know so I know it's him-


I jump a little and grab a knife as I walk.over.to the front door and speak through the letterbox. "Who is it?"

"Me dummy. I forgot our knock." I open the door and Kuroo pushes my head. "Who else would be knocking on the door at three in the morning idiot."

"A murderer. A thief wanting to scout out apartment."

"Right... That's why you have a knife?" He carefully takes the knife from me and I smile a little at how tall I am now. "I'm taller then you."

"I-I guess you are..."

"You okay with that? Shorty." He looks at me flustered and fake frustrated because he's really weirdly nervous. I grin as I walk back into the kitchen and put the knife away. "I should really get you a key." I mumble as I grab my tub of cookie dough ice cream and two spoons. I hop over and he's about to feel bad for me but can't when he sees my smile and how I'm just hopping this much because I'm excited not because it's hurts. "I scammed Oikawa to buy me, Hinata and dad number one some ice cream so we can share mine and watch a movie!"

"Aren't your dads awake?"

"Are you kidding me? One of them uses sleeping meds and the other one teaches children. They're dead." He laughs at me and hugs my back as I put the ice cream and spoons down. His face gets flustered when I bend over and I just grin at him getting all flustered before turning around and sliding my hands around his waist. "So why are you in your Nekoma jacket?"

"I-I brought it for you." He steps back and I smirk as his back hits the wall behind him. I can tell what's happening and decide to tease him some more as I lean against the wall behind him and go to speak again when he kisses me suddenly.

He can never just wait.

I smile a little as I kiss him back and he melts inti my hands like putty as I hold his left arm in my hand whilst he tries pulling me closer. "Oi." I jump out of my skin at Ukai's voice and he just glares at me. "Keep it down... And stay six foot away. Better yet, sleep in the spare room-"

"No no we'll stop we'll stop." My smile twitches and he looks at me with a glare. "Only hand holding. That's it. If I come back in here and see you two closer then that then you're sleeping in the spare room." He points to Kuroo and Kuroo just nods quickly before Ukai walks back into my dads room. "Hypocrite." I pout and Kuroo looks at me slightly worried. "W-what so we can't cuddle??" I look at his dad face before wrapping my arms around his and carrying him into my bedroom. He smiles as I grab the ice cream, spoons and the movie before locking my bedroom door and jumping onto my bed. "Rebel."

"Of course." I cuddle him quickly and he smiles as he snuggles into my chest. "Was your flight okay?"

"I guess. I watched a movie on the way here."

"How was the movie?"

"Good... Why you asking weird questions?"

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now