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"What's wrong? You look butt hurt."

"Mhm." I just ignore him as he sits next to me before he nuzzles his face against mine. "Butt hurt puppy." He smiles startstruck and I nuzzle my head back(pic) as Yamaguchi turns to Ukai.

"Is that allowed?" He points to me and Kuroo with his thumb and Ukai nearly chokes on his water as he stands up

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"Is that allowed?" He points to me and Kuroo with his thumb and Ukai nearly chokes on his water as he stands up. "TIMEOUT OVER!" He claps his hands and Kuroo pushes me over suddenly. I frown as he grins and chuck the volleyball in his stomach. "Bring it ooooon rooster hair~" I taunt him and he just laughs as I taunt him some more and I walk over to Suga.


I just want to give up...

All that taunting and I have no mental energy left...

I fall on my back suddenly because someone wacks me in the face with the ball and slowly sit up to see Hinata and Suga beside me asking me if in okay and Kuroo just looking at me worried and shocked. Until he sees I'm looking at him and mouths 'sorry' to me. "I'm fine." I stand up and turn to Suga. "Slap me-" He slaps me and I'm a little shocked when he starts shaking my shoulders. "SNAP OUT OF IT AND PAY ATTENTION!!"

"OkAy!" He slaps my lower back gently but the pain wakes me up properly.

Come on Oreki...-Samuel-

I pay attention as Kenma serves and Nishinoya receives it perfectly. I see Sugawara going to spike and keep my eyes focused on him.

Remember what I told you before the match Oreki!-Samuel-

I see the spike turn into a set and smile as I run after the set and repeat what dad told me.

The way of the Ace...

Number one...

"Every ball shall be spiked!!"-Oreki and Samuel-
(Vid. 4:26-4:53. Pretend Oreki is Bokuto.)

I smash the ball to my right as Kuroo and Kenma try to block and grin as everyone in my team cheers. Even the guys I was practising with yesterday are cheering. "THAT WAS SO COOL OREKI!! YOU WENT LIKE BAM!!!!" Suga's frantically shaking his head to and turning his arms into a cross behind me from Hinats and I chuckle awkwardly as I scratch the back of my head. "T-thanks." Kuroo gets the sense of something and shouts some words of encouragement too. "YEAH THAT WAS AWESOME OREKI! WE'LL LOSE IF YOU KEEP THAT UP!"

"oH." I start getting overwhelmed with confidence as dad and dad number two both just facepalm at my weakness. Another set begins and I get thrown a toss but completely miss by a mile off.

BuT wHy HiNaTa AnD kUrOo SaId I wAs AmAzInG!

I clench my jaw as I grab a ball and walk over to the back right to serve. "All right, I'll leave them in the shadows with my serve!" I walk over and Suga knows I'm getting worked up. "Oreki nice serve!" Hinata compliments me already followed up by Suga's worry. "Oreki-san, stay calm."

"I am calm! Here I go!" I throw the serve and it hits the next right next to Yamaguchi. "Dammit! I'm sorry!"

"Just calm down."-Daichi-

"Don't mind."-Suga-
I get up and back into position meanwhile Kuroo's just grinning like the devil. Suga hands me a set and I get denied by three blockers. So I bounce back and speak to Suga when I see another free ball. "One more time Suga!"

"Here you go!"

"All right!" I spike it but it doesn't even go over and just hits the net. I stay frozen in disbelief and my ears get red from how embarrassed I am. I stay back on the next set and just watch Hinata. And then another set. And then another. My fingers tapping against my leg at any chance they get because I'm itching to have another shot and I've thought it through again.

He's getting fidgety!-Suga-

"Ki!!" I split step because I'm so fidgety and run towards me set as my teammates shout. "Pick yourself back up, Ace!!" I smash the ball past their hands as I growl and it smacks into the ground behind him before jumping out of bounds and deflating. Suga hmph's smugly at Kuroo before they land and see what I just did.
(Vid. Oreki is Bokuto again. Watch from 2:07-3:08)


"He popped the ball." I chuckle and turn to Suga like an excited puppy that just got told 'walkies'. "Suga let's do it again-!!"

"Oreki!" I see Asahi smiling apologetically with my number up and pout as I stomp over. "That was really good though Ki." I sigh and take the number paddle before sitting down next to Ukai all pouty. "Don't give me that attitude." I continue with my arms crossed and looking away from him whilst dad no.1 is smiling at our interaction because he never gets to actually see how we are together and whether or not I actually get along with him. "Hey!"


"DON'T IGNORE ME!" I continue pouting and he just sighs before smiling and handing me a bottle of water. I sip my water and watch the match closely. Nekoma won the first one, Karasuno won the second and now it's time for the third set. I swap in with Asahi and Tanaka swaps in with Yamaguchi. I serve perfectly and watch the ball bounce around before it gets handed to Suga. "Suga!!" He tosses it towards the far left and I jump into the air as Hinata runs to my right behind me and I smack back down into the ground mid jump for some reason. Hinata slips and groans as he lays on his back. I get winded and calmly catch my breath back but open my eyes to see everything's gone blurry. "Oreki!" I close my eyes when the scenery starts shaking and rub the bridge of my nose before going to sit up. But someone holds me still and holds my head still too. "Get off I wanna get up-"

"Stay still you're bleeding."-Ukai-


"Your laces untied themselves and Hinata tripped on them." I try to open my eyes but my eyes shake again and I feel my anxiety spike even more as I close them again and try to sit up again. "Stay still okay? We have to wait until the medics get here."

"But I'm fine-"

"No you're not it's the adrenaline... Oreki? Hey, stay awake!" He taps my cheek and I stay asleep.

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