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1 week later


Just don't look to the left. Don't look at her and she won't notice you. Don't look. Don't LOOK.

My eyes stay glued to the pathway in front of me, my hand keeping a deadly tight grip on the umbrella as I try not to look.

My eyes stay glued to the pathway in front of me, my hand keeping a deadly tight grip on the umbrella as I try not to look

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"Hey Oreki!!"

"Shit." I mumble and turn to my left to see Lee running over. 

I knew I should have gone to Tokyo.

"Hey Lee..."

"How are you? I haven't seen you in a whole year!"

"I'm okay..."

"Why're you here?"

"Uh... Um... My dad... And I... Are... On a little trip. Fishing. A fishing trip."

"Oh sweet! So what're you up to?"

"Uh just getting some shopping."

"Without dad?"


"Oh okay then... Hey I heard you're playing volleyball again is that where the bandages on your hand came from?"

"No I- Where did you hear that from?"

"Well our dads are friends you know. They talk."


"How'd the hand happen then?"

"Long story."

"I'll walk you back to your place whilst you explain!"

"N-no I'm fine I... I just wanna go have a nap if that's okay?"

"Yeah of course... I'll see you some other time yeah? I'll text you when?"

"Okay." She hugs me before I see her bright smile and she hops away. "I'll see you later!"

"Okay..." I walk off with my head down. The pain in my foot starting to come back as the pain killers wear off and the fact I'm walking on it when I shouldn't doesn't help the pain. My stomach grumbles and not only that but I start realising just how tired I am. And it's only three in the afternoon. Once back at my hotel room I take the junk food into my bedroom and put the bags on the floor before getting changed straight away. 

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now