Tobi- Thoughts on you

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"...Yay, Tobi wins!" I cheered in my fake voice.

"Yes, that's right," Y/N giggled as I put my piece on the winning square. Candy land... must I play it again? "What would Tobi like to do now?" Y/N smiled at me. She was the only one who would refer to me by my name in 3rd person.

She leaned on her elbow with her cheek resting in her right hand. That motherly smile as she closed her eyes...

"Tobi..." I want you to kiss me, Y/N... "T-Tobi..." Be mine... forever...

"Is Tobi OK?" Y/N asked, tone full of concern. The swirling depths of her eyes reflected the concern in her very soul. She put her hand on my mask. "...Tobi, you're running a fever! Oh my... you should rest today, dear." Y/N... I want to tell you everything...

She scooped my small frame up, pulling me tight to her chest. She held me like a toddler, my head resting on her shoulder. She had a small frame, tall yet skinny. But oh so motherly...

She opened the door to my room. I winced as I felt her body freeze. My room was a disaster, with candy and clothing all over the place.

"Uh... Hmm... Think, Y/N, think..." I heard her whisper as I snuggled into her neck. "Easy, Tobi, easy..." She patted my head soothingly. Y/N slowly closed the door and walked over to her room. I knew it was hers; the smell of her vanilla perfume decorated the air.

"Tobi...Tobi doesn't want Y/N-Chan to get sick..." I whimpered, my fake voice getting harder and harder to use.

"Y/N-Chan will take care of Tobi. Y/N-Chan will not get sick; Y/N Chan has a strong immune system." I felt her pull at the zipper of my cloak. I gladly let her take it; it wasn't very comfortable... she slid off my shoes and socks, tucking me securely in her blankets. They smelled heavenly...and they were so warm. I felt so cold...

"Y/N Chan will be right back with medicine. Will Tobi be OK for a few minutes?" I looked at her through my weak eye. She sat so delicately on the edge of the bed, leaning over me. The light of the day just cascaded down her face. An angel...

"Tobi... will be... fine..." I forced the words out as the fever overwhelmed my senses.

I felt her weight leave the bed. She came back not a moment later. I could feel the light pressure on the side of the bed.

"Y/N Chan needs Tobi to remove Tobi's mask..."I woke up nearly immediately.

"No, T-Tobi's mask must st-stay on!" I panicked.

"...Tobi, dear," her tone became soft. "Please remove your mask. I need to put a cold washcloth on your forehead and take your temperature..."

"...Tobi knows, but Tobi's afraid..." I curled up on my side. "Tobi's disfigured..." I can tell you this much, Y/N... Please, please let it drop...

"...Y/N Chan is disfigured too. If Y/N Chan puts up a curtain and keeps others away from Tobi until Tobi is all better, will Tobi remove the mask?" Wait...she's disfigured too? How... How can such a goddess be even remotely considered disfigured?!

"...Tobi not sure..."

"...For me?" She whispered.

"...C-Can Tobi see Y/N Chan's scars...?"

"Yes." I sat up as she unzipped her cloak. My eyes widened in alarm.

She wore a simple sleeveless turtle neck and a pair of black pants. But her right arm... it was covered in burn marks.

"Tobi," Y/N smiled sadly at me, "Bad people poured acid on me. My face and left arm were spared. But these scars go across my body. That's why I hide them with the long sleeves on my cloak... and why I wear a glove on this hand..." She removed it, causing my eye to trace the scars left."You have nothing to fear, dear. Remove your mask. I'll take care of you." She smiled softly.

"Tobi will... but after Y/N-Chan puts up the curtains." She's just as scarred as me... She-She would understand the pain... My Y/N...

"Ok; Y/N-Chan will go put up the curtains." She smiled again, putting her cloak back on. She quickly put them up, hooking them into place and pulling them closed. "Now, Tobi, please remove your mask."

I trembled and did what she said, keeping my eyes closed. I felt the bed bend where she sat. I shivered as her warm hands gently rest on my scarred cheek. I opened my eyes, and all I saw was an understanding smile. Y/N...

"...Tobi got hurt badly..." she whispered, looking into the deep scars.

"Tobi...did get hurt badly. Very; very badly..." I frowned, as the tips of her fingers trace some of the scars. Her touch was so gentle... I closed my eyes and leaned into her palm.

"..." A sudden spasm of my chest caused me to cough, and water started to fall from my eyes. Without a second thought, Y/N pulled me into her arms and I sobbed. "I know, Tobi. I know," she murmured soothingly, rocking softly back and forth. "We are all damaged in some way, shape or form. That's why we all joined the Akatsuki... A family of misfits." I closed my eyes and inhaled her vanilla scent deeply, crushing my body as close as I could to hers. I love you Y/N... but will you ever feel the same for me?

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