Zetsu- Realization

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"Flora, baby," you cooed to your favorite plant, "Feeding time!" She wouldn't budge for you for some reason today. It made you pause; it wasn't like Flora to not want food all of a sudden. You tried again. "Flora, sweetheart, come on... num-num-!" It grabbed you fast, but before you could move or scream, Zetsu pulled you out of Flora's grasp and placed you a few feet away.

"Flora. Sweetheart. We talked about this," Zetsu cooed at Flora as you raised an eyebrow, "We don't attack Mama. Mama has food for you." He took your backpack and opened it up, showing Flora all the body parts you acquired. You smiled, covering your smile with the tips of your fingers. "Shh, sweetheart, I know," Zetsu continued, petting her large purple petal,  "You want live prey, don't you? Daddy will bring you live prey, OK, darling? But you got to eat this, too; sometimes, we don't get live prey, either, sweety...

"You're so good with her, Zetsu," you sighed, feeling pride and warmth at how those two have bonded over these last few weeks. 

"Well, she's like us. Only more plant-likeI wonder if she's the plant we're based on," Zetsu shrugged, as Flora opened herself up for the food. "Ah, there's a good girl. Eat up now!" He took your backpack and emptied out its contents into Flora's mouth. It may make things easier if Zetsu started caring for Flora for a while... You loved Flora, but it was getting a tad bit dangerous, you had to admit to yourself. 

"...Hmm..." you chuckled to yourself as you started to water some of the flowers you had planted, "I wonder what our children would look like, Zetsu..." You looked over your shoulder, watching as a scarlet blush took over his whole face.

"W-well... they-they would have yo-your... We can experiment and find out? NO, we can't! We need to d-date her first, Black! She asked; it's making me curious... you, too... Now, let's-let's not get ahead of ourselves here... White, let's be honest. You're the one with the dreams of having her naked next to us in the flowerbed! How dare you! That's so- so frivolous and wrong of us to-to even consider pollinating such a Goddess! Goddess? Her? Hah. You're definitely right about that..." 

"Zetsu, I want to date you. We'll find out about the children later?" you chuckled as you watered the next batch of flowers.

"WHAT?!" He fainted shortly after that. You chuckled again and made sure he was all right... 

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