2 - The Phone Call

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He looks at me and gulps. Then he slides the green button on his phone.

"H- Hello?"

I'm so stressed right now. What if he didn't get casted? Not that I don't believe in him or anything.

"Oh hi! How's it going? Oh yeah, yeah. Oh we're doing alright-"

I'm guessing it's a friend of his?

"Sure! Alright I'll see you! Kay bye!" He hangs up.

"Phew, wow..." He sighs, still staring at his phone screen.

"Sounds like it was a friend of yours?"

"My cousin, actually, Jeremy. He wanted to hang since he's in town and... I don't know why I don't have his phone number."

"You know for a second I thought it was your producer telling you about the show... I was already super tense when you answered the phone."

"Yeah, me too." His facial expressions change to more of a disappointed look.

"He'll call you, Joshy. And you will get the part," I tell him, trying to get rid of that sadness on his face.

"Maybe he won't, Rachy. Maybe he already casted everybody and I didn't get casted."

Joshy and Rachy are names we made up of each other when we were little. And... We've been using them ever since.

"No, he will. And you will play the part. I promise."

He remains silent. He's looking down at his feet and playing with his thumbs, which he always does when he's nervous. He takes a deep breath.

"Joshy..." I say, holding out my arms and hug him. He really needs a hug right now.

He hugs me tight, like he's never letting go.

Just when we let go of the hug, his phone starts to ring again

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Just when we let go of the hug, his phone starts to ring again.

This time, I can see his phone screen. It's another unknown number. He looks at me before answering it.


He gulps.

"Uh yeah it's me."

Then his jaw drops down. His eyes widen in shock and he covers his mouth with his other hand. He got it. He got casted.


"See? I told you!"

"OH MY GOD RACH!!" He hugs me. He picks me up and spins me around. "HOLY SHIT I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!"

"I'm so happy for you, Joshy!" I say to him, hugging him again.

"Oh my god wow. I can't believe this is real. Oh my god I'm sweating."

"Oh my god I'm so excited! Who are you gonna be playing?"

"I'm playing Ricky, the male lead!"

"Oh my god I'm so happy for you! Congratulations, Joshy!"

"Thank you! Aaaahh oh my god I still can't believe it!"

Then the front door opens, revealing my mom and my dad following behind her with bags of groceries.

"Rachel, are you home?" She shouts, not seeing me and Josh in the living room. "Oh there you are. And Joshua you're here too!"

"Yeah, I figured I stayed here for a while," he replies.

"Mom, dad, guess what, Josh just got casted for a Disney show!"

"Oh, wow, really? Is it the one you auditioned just a little while ago?" My mom asks, putting her bags of groceries on a table in the living room.

"Yeah that one," he answers, smiling shyly.

"Wow congratulations, Joshua! I'm so proud of you!" Says my mom, walking towards Josh and hugging him.

"Thanks, Lucy," he replies.

My dad also congratulates him and gives him a bro hug.

My family is very close with his family. My mom treats Josh like he's her own son. I'm an only child and my mom has always wanted to have a son so no wonder my mom loves him so much. When we were little my mom used to buy toys for him. I used to share toys with his sisters as well, especially Claire, since she's around the same age as me. If you didn't know, Josh has 5 sisters.

We just continue to goof around and laugh. It was about six when he went home. He said his mom was making dinner and that he didn't want to miss it.

Later that night, at around 8.30, I was watching some YouTube videos on my laptop when suddenly my phone rings.

30, I was watching some YouTube videos on my laptop when suddenly my phone rings

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I quickly answer and put it on speaker.

"Hey, what's up?" I start.

"Hey. Just wanted to tell you I just got an email from the producer..."

"Oh that's great, Joshy! What does it say?"

"It says that production is gonna start around mid February. They haven't casted anybody else. I was the first one who got casted."

"Wow really? Say they won't pick you again!"

He laughs a little. "Thanks though, Rachy, for always being there for me."

"You don't need to thank me... And besides, you were there for me when I was stressed out because I had 2 tests and 4 assignments in a day. We're kinda even now."

"Yeah... I guess we are."

"So, where are you gonna be filming? Did the producer tell you about it yet?"

"Okay this is crazy, but we are filming on the actual high school from High School Musical!"

My eyes widen in shock. I cover my mouth with my hand. "Oh my god no way! For real? It's always been my dream to go there!"

"Yeah... Me too..."

"Oh my god I remember when we used to talk about it like all the time! About how we wanted to be high schoolers and go to that school and-"

"Rach, do you... know the location where the actual school is at?"

"Um... I don't..."

"It's in Utah. I'm gonna be filming in Utah."

It just hit me. I know exactly what he meant. It means that we're gonna be apart from each other when he's filming.

"Oh... How long are you gonna be filming?"

"I still don't know about that yet."

"We'll facetime, Joshy. We'll call each other. But for now we just figure out what we're gonna do to spend time together while you're still here."

"Yeah I guess."

I just know I'm gonna miss him so much.

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now