40 - Date Night

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I was scrolling through Instagram when I see a car parking outside from the corner of my eye. It looks like Josh's car. Someone gets out off the car. Yep. It's him. He opens the door, looking around for a while and his eyes meet mine. He walks straight to where I'm sitting while putting his car keys inside his back pocket.

"Hey." He gives my lips a peck and sits down next to me. "Still waiting for your burrito?"


"Yo, Tony!" Josh says, giving Tony a fist bump. He's a waiter here, around the same age as us. We've been here too many times we actually know each of the waiter's name here.

"Joshua! What's good? What can I get for you?"

"I'll just get an iced coffee."

"Coming right up!"

"Thanks man!"

Tony then leaves to make the coffee. My burrito comes just right after that and I'm just so ready to eat.

"So... How does it feel being a senior? How was first day of senior year?" He asks, putting his hand on the back of my chair.

"Just the same," I answer, opening the burrito wrapper. "And lunch is not as fun. No one is stealing my food."

"Ah. You mean like this?" He then leans in and takes a huge bite out of my freshly made burrito.

I honestly don't really care anymore when he's stealing my food. I'm already used to it. He does that all the time with all my food. But this time he's taking a really big bite. It's almost half of the burrito.

"Hey! Are you kidding? That's like half of the entire thing!"

He laughs while still chewing. "Sorry!" He says with his mouth full.

I start eating my half burrito. Then Tony comes with Josh's coffee.

"Here's your coffee!" He says, putting the coffee on the bar table.

"Thanks, Tony!"

"Yeah no problem!" He then leaves.

He takes a sip of the coffee.

"I saw you parking the car outside. Where are we going?" I ask, taking a bite out of the burrito.

"I told you we were gonna hang out today. You'll see."

I roll my eyes.

I continue to finish my burrito and Josh continue to finish his coffee. I just talk about what happened today at school with the new subjects and everything.

We spent about an hour there just chilling and talking. After we kinda feel bored just sitting there and talking, we decided to go. We say goodbye to Tony and leave the place.

"So, where are we going?" I ask, buckling the seat belt.

"You'll see. I know you'd love it."

"Give me a hint!"

"Well... It's gonna be a date night."

Ooh a date night?

"That didn't answer the question at all but... A date night?"

"Mmm hmm," he hums as he starts the car. "You'll see."

It starts getting darker. And I still don't know where we're going. He said it's gonna be a date night? I'm so curious. He said I'd love it but like what is it? Where are we going? Are we gonna have dinner or something?

We're definitely not going to the mall because we already passed it. We're not going to the karaoke place we usually go to either because we're literally going the opposite direction. I'm not very familiar with this route. I really can't tell where we're going.

I Think I Kinda, You Know | Joshua BassettWhere stories live. Discover now